gaijintx73's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Klosterneuburg, Austria

Gugging House of Artists

This outsider art house has gone from clinical creation to astounding artwork.
Vienna, Austria

Museumsquartier Passages

This series of Baroque passageways in Vienna's cultural center mix old architecture with modern art.
Graz, Austria

Kunsthaus Graz

Austria's ultra-modern art museum looks like Cthulhu's giant alien heart.
Salzburg, Austria

Dom Museum's Kunst und Wunderkammer

The amazing wonder cabinets of a very rich Austrian archbishop.
Graz, Austria


Resting in the middle of an Austrian river, this sci-fi "island" lets people cross in neon style.
Graz, Austria

Burgruine Gösting (Gösting Castle Ruins)

The shell of a medieval fortress offers commanding views of the area it once protected.
Hallstatt, Austria

Salzwelten: The Hallstatt Salt Mine

The world's oldest known salt mine.
Salzburg, Austria

Zwerglgarten (Dwarf Garden)

Ugly 18th-century dwarf statues living in a perfectly landscaped Austrian garden.
Hinterbrühl, Austria


This series of underground chambers contains Europe's largest subterranean lake that is slowly drained each day.
Linz, Austria


Ride a dragon train into a world of dwarves.
Werfen, Austria


The largest ice cave in the world is thought to be the entrance to hell according to Austrian legend.
Längenfeld, Austria

Aqua Dome Langenfeld

Visitors dip into a variety of pools of what was once ice.
Vienna, Austria

Cemetery of the Nameless

The resting place for anonymous victims of the Danube's dark waters.
Riegersburg, Austria

Riegersburg Castle

A centuries old castle atop a dormant volcano houses museums devoted to both women and witches.
Vienna, Austria

The Lost Garden of Schloss Schonbrunn

The topiary maze at the Habsburg hunting lodge.
Wattens, Austria

Crystal Worlds

Swarovski's museum/theme park is a fake diamond fantasia overlooked by a giant.
Vienna, Austria

Schmetterlinghaus: The Imperial Butterfly Park

A tropical paradise just a short trip from the opera house is filled with beautiful winged creatures.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Budapest, Hungary

Cinkota Old Cemetery

A forgotten graveyard lost in the tangles of an overgrown garden.
Budapest, Hungary

Péter Mansfeld Monument

This statue of a falling man commemorates a teenage martyr of the Hungarian Revolution.
Budapest, Hungary

Béla Lugosi Bust at Vajdahunyad Castle

Late at night, the bust of the "Dracula" actor was snuck onto the facade of this Budapest castle.
Budapest, Hungary

Hospital in the Rock

A museum dedicated to a secret military hospital hidden beneath a castle in Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary


This quaint Hungarian railway system is operated exclusively by children between the ages of 10 and 14.
Budapest, Hungary

Columbo Statue

Uh, pardon me, ma'am, but I couldn't help noticing that there's a Columbo statue in the middle of Budapest.