gardnermcelroy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Palo Alto, California
Places edited in Chandler, Arizona
Places visited in Tonopah, Nevada
Places visited in California
Places visited in Palm Springs, California
Places visited in Lindsborg, Kansas
Places visited in Arizona
Places edited in Stockton, California
Places visited in Nevada
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Abiquiu, New Mexico

Ghost Ranch

Its history includes dinosaur fossils, cattle rustlers, Georgia O'Keeffe, and a mythical giant rattlesnake named Vivaron.
Cañones, New Mexico

Cerro Pedernal

A flat-topped butte that makes a constant backdrop for Western art.
Taos, New Mexico

D.H. Lawrence Forbidden Art

Reproductions of nine banned oil paintings coyly hidden behind a curtain in a New Mexico conference room.
El Prado, New Mexico


These aggressively sustainable art homes look like something out of 1970's science fiction.
Eagle Nest, New Mexico

Palisades Sill

Spectacular 300-foot cliffs in a lush mountain canyon.
Raton, New Mexico

Raton Iridium Layer

This unassuming layer of clay boasts an out-of-this-world origin story.
Des Moines, New Mexico

Capulin Volcano

This volcano rises like a giant anthill from the plains below, with a road spiraling up to the rim.
Cimarron, New Mexico

St. James Hotel

A saloon and inn that served the Wild West's most iconic figures—and is still haunted by some of them today.
Dawson, New Mexico

Dawson Ghost Town

All that remains of this abandoned coal town is a beautiful, haunting cemetery.
Cimarron, New Mexico

Statue of Lucien B. Maxwell

An unconventional monument to one of America's largest landowners.
Montezuma, New Mexico

Dwan Light Sanctuary

A futuristic temple of light uses prisms and rainbows to create an atmosphere of peace.
Watrous, New Mexico

Fort Union National Monument

The ruins of this abandoned fort now stand as a picturesque reminder of America's march West.
Mountainair, New Mexico

Salinas Pueblo Missions

The remains of Abó, Gran Quivera, and Qurai are monuments to the long, complicated history of the Indigenous people of the Southwest.
Bosque, New Mexico

Bernardo Waterfowl Area

The winter home of thousands of beautiful snow geese and sandhill cranes.
Magdalena, New Mexico

Kelly Ghost Town

The ruins of this former mining boomtown once housed over 3,000 people. Now, the population is two.
Magdalena, New Mexico

Bracewell Radio Sundial

A one-of-a-kind sundial at the Very Large Array honors a radio astronomy pioneer, incorporating the original piers from his breakthrough radio telescope.
Magdalena, New Mexico

The Very Large Array

Twenty-seven massive radio antennas on the high plains of New Mexico search for life on other planets.
Pie Town, New Mexico

Pie Town

This popular pitstop lives up to its name.
Quemado, New Mexico

The Lightning Field

In the remote high desert of New Mexico, a strange array of poles beckon fury from above.
Mogollon, New Mexico

Catwalk Recreation Area

Explore a misty river canyon from a metal bridge system.
Silver City, New Mexico

Gila Cliff Dwellings

These ruins of a pre-Columbian cliff village are among the most beautiful and well preserved in New Mexico.
Silver City, New Mexico

The Big Ditch

This small canyon park was once the main street of Silver City—until a flood washed it away.