gemma09lt's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Norfolk, England

The Devil's Punchbowl

A mysterious crater-like pond has a spooky tendency to empty and fill with complete disregard to rainfall patterns.
London, England

Kew Gardens Underground Aquarium

A marine aquarium with an astounding variety of fish hides in the basement beneath the famous Palm House.
London, England

Suck and Chew

"Purveyors of traditional sweets and vintage treats."
London, England

The Wiener Holocaust Library

One of the world’s leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust, the Nazi era, and genocide, this collection includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs, and eyewitness testimony.
London, England

The Fan Museum

This museum is dedicated solely to this millennia-old handheld cooling device.
London, England

Aldwych Tube Station

This Underground station has been a popular filming location for decades, even before it closed.
London, England

The Mount

The remains of a historic football stadium that once hosted 50,000 spectators.
London, England

Mold Gold Cape

This intriguing Bronze Age artifact spent centuries hidden within a Welsh faerie hill.
London, England

Victoria and Albert Museum WWII Battle Scars

The pockmarks across the building's facade are remnants of the Blitz.
London, England

Joseph Grimaldi Park

An unassuming London park is actually a pilgrimage site for modern clowns.
London, England

The Champion

This 19th-century pub features stained-glass windows celebrating Victorian-era "champions."
London, England

Marianne North Gallery at Kew Gardens

A gallery specifically dedicated to the botanical illustrations of a remarkable traveling lady.
London, England

The Troubadour

A 1950s beatnik coffee house, turned 60s counterculture hotspot, turned modern music venue.
London, England

575 Wandsworth Road

What started as a way to address damp basement walls turned into a house filled with intricate hand-carved designs.
London, England

St Augustine's Tower

This medieval church tower has maintained its clockworks since the 16th century.
London, England

London Silver Vaults

Behind one of the world's most impenetrable vaults is a massive collection of retail silver.
London, England

Strand Lane 'Roman Baths'

Victorian-era Londoners really wanted to believe this 17th-century cistern was actually an ancient artifact.
London, England

Angela Flanders Perfumer

A boutique perfumery fashioned to look like a Victorian-era shop.
London, England

Severndroog Castle

A monolithic monument in Greater London.
London, England

Container City

Putting the "mod" in "modular" since 2000.
London, England

Dinner by Heston Blumenthal

Historic cuisine meets fine dining in a hotel-restaurant overlooking Hyde Park.
London, England

'Out of Order'

A domino effect created with Britain’s iconic telephone boxes.
London, England

Smith Square World War II Ghost Sign

A faded reminder of what was once a common sight in London during the Blitz.
London, England

Charlton House

The grounds of this Jacobean estate contain one of the oldest mulberry trees in England.