GeneralWaffles's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze

A psychedelic labyrinth on the San Francisco bay.
San Francisco, California

Seward Street Slides

Bring your own cardboard to the slippery slopes of concrete hidden in a neighborhood park.
Toronto, Ontario

The Monkey's Paw

A book collector's dream, this Toronto bookstore has the world's first "Biblio-Mat," a random book vending machine.
Boston, Massachusetts

Mapparium Globe

An enormous, inside-out glass globe built in 1935.
Boston, Massachusetts

Forest Hills Cemetery

A beautiful Victorian-era cemetery, complete with a miniature village.
Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Satanic Temple

The headquarters in Salem doubles as an occult art gallery.
Salem, Massachusetts

Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery

A collection of full-size movie monsters opened to the public.
Salem, Massachusetts

Black Veil Shoppe of Drear & Wonder

Like stepping into a spooky fairy-tale, this shop carries the dark ideas of artists and other makers.
Dummerston, Vermont

Dummerston Vine

Site of the graveyard vine believed to be a curse on a family from the 1800s.
Dummerston, Vermont


The house where Rudyard Kipling wrote the Jungle Book is also the location of the first tennis court in Vermont.
Danville, Vermont

The Forgotten Village at Greenbank's Hollow

Industrial ruin decimated this tiny New England company town in a fashion no one saw coming… and even fewer remember today.
Woodstock, Vermont

Woodstock Town Crier

A bygone village occupation lives on via this quaint public chalkboard.
Shelburne, Vermont

Shelburne Museum

Dispersed across 45-acres, 39 structures house a massive collection celebrating American Folk Art.
Burlington, Vermont

Flying Monkey Sculptures

Scary metal statues adorn some of the signature buildings of Burlington, VT.
Glover, Vermont

The Museum of Everyday Life

This "common-as-dirt" museum celebrates the glory of normalcy.
Stowe, Vermont

Emily’s Bridge

This New England covered bridge is home to the tale of a jilted lover known to haunt the area.
Dorset, Vermont

Freedlyville Quarry

This cavernous abandoned marble mine is popular with ice skaters in the winter.
Amherst, New Hampshire

Ponemah Bog Wildlife Sanctuary

A 12,000-year-old bog boasting rare plants and fauna.
Corinth, Vermont

East Corinth

The quaint little Vermont town played a quaint little Connecticut town in Tim Burton's "Beetlejuice."
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Libby Museum

The 100-year-old public collection of a New Hampshire dentist that contains taxidermy, Native American artifacts, and a pair of mummy hands.
Dover, New Hampshire

Woodman Institute Museum

A museum dedicated to "science, history and the arts" little changed since 1915.
New Castle, New Hampshire

Wentworth by the Sea

The once-abandoned 140-year-old hotel used in the movie "In Dreams."