GeneralWaffles's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Portsmouth, New Hampshire

U.S.S. Albacore

Once the future of underwater combat, this old sub is now open for visitors to muck around in.
Gilmanton, New Hampshire

Birthplace of H.H. Holmes

Birthplace of America's first documented serial killer.
Burlington, Vermont

Tallest Filing Cabinet on Earth

This 38-drawer structure claims the superlative title, but it isn't the world's only giant filing cabinet.
Salem, New Hampshire

Mystery Hill: America's Stonehenge

America's oldest archaeological site or a muddled case of wishful thinking.
Hebron, New Hampshire

Sculptured Rocks

This narrow canyon has been carved by the river over thousands of years into spectacular and curious forms.
Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri's Castle

Ruins of the elaborate house where the enigmatic costume designer threw glamorous parties for New York's theatrical elite.
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania

Space Acorn

Pennsylvania's own Roswell-style UFO mystery.
Hebron, New Hampshire

Aleister Crowley's Magickal Retirement

The New England cabin where an infamous British occultist conducted experiments in "magick".
Brooklyn, New York

Gowanus Batcave

Abandoned power station once home to a squatter community, now being developed into an arts center.
Brooklyn, New York

Dead Horse Bay

First a horse rendering plant, then a 19th century landfill, this beach is full of glass from thousands upon thousands of broken bottles.
Queens, New York

Surreal Elevator

Nondescript elevator doors open to reveal a stunning, surreal world.
Staten Island, New York

Remains of Fort Wadsworth

Once America's longest-manned military fort, now an abandoned hulk.
New York, New York

Irish Hunger Memorial

Blighted Irish field and the ruins of a 19th-century cottage on the edge of urban Manhattan.
New York, New York

The Hidden Art Deco Tunnel Underneath the New Yorker Hotel

The beautiful tunnel that ran from the lobby to Penn Station is still hidden underneath 34th Street.
New York, New York

Long Lines Building

An uber-secure, windowless tower of doom in the center of Manhattan is an NSA spyscraper.
New York, New York

Blockhouse No. 1

This ruined fort hidden at the top of Central Park can't seem to keep from losing its historical plaques.
Queens, New York

Fort Totten

Read between the lines of the subway map to find the hidden abandoned Civil War fort.
Staten Island, New York

The New York City Farm Colony

The haunting, dilapidated remains of a former poorhouse on Staten Island's Greenbelt.
Bronx, New York

North Brother Island

Home to the infamous "Typhoid Mary" and the worst loss of life in New York's history prior to September 11, 2001.
New York, New York

Freedom Tunnel

A tunnel once abandoned now thrives with graffiti art as an off-limits makeshift gallery.
New York, New York

Bellevue Hospital

The name of this famed hospital was once a byword for the horrors of medical and psychiatric care.
New York, New York

New York Federal Gold Vault

More gold than anywhere else, ever.
New York, New York

The New York Earth Room

A room in New York City that contains 250 cubic yards of dirt worth a million dollars.
New York, New York

Hess Triangle

New York City's smallest piece of private property.