georgiadelargy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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North Yorkshire, England

Malham Cove

Harry Potter once visited this massive limestone cliff, which was carved by an ancient glacial river.
North Yorkshire, England

Gordale Scar

A long, winding trek rewards you with a gorge so captivating it inspired a painting in the Tate.
Blackpool, England

Sir Hiram Maxim's Captive Flying Machines

One of the oldest amusement rides in existence was a huge disappointment to its creator.
Oxford, England

Port Meadow

Legend says this public grazing area hasn't been plowed for thousands of years.
Perth and Kinross, Scotland

Ossian's Hall of Mirrors

Described by William Wordsworth as a "World of Wonder."
Oxford, England

The Norrington Room

Once one of the largest rooms full of books in the world, this bookstore basement is still a treat for bibliophiles.
Oxford, England

The Sheldonian Theatre

A theatre built to house the rowdy Oxford graduation ceremonies became the stage for a debate about God's existence.
Oxford, England

Oxford Castle & Prison

This Norman castle was once the site of a Victorian-era prison, and now exists as a luxury hotel.
Oxford, England

Eagle Ironworks

A little piece of Oxford's overlooked industrial heritage.
Binsey, England

The Perch Inn

This historic pub is a hidden gem for fans of Lewis Carroll.
Southampton, England

Ruins of Holyrood Church

Now a memorial to merchant sailors and Titanic victims, this medieval church was destroyed by bombing raids in 1940.
Dublin, Ireland

The Famine Memorial in Dublin

The somber sculptures commemorating Irish Famine on the river Liffey in Dublin.
Dublin, Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge

Dublin's most modern, visually spectacular bridge is modeled after Ireland's national emblem.
Liverpool, England


Created as a punny statement about genetic engineering this monstrous hybrid statue has become a beloved icon.
Portsmouth, England

Spinnaker Tower

This striking observation tower shaped like a spinnaker sail is the newest icon in historic Portsmouth.
Brighton, England

The Royal Pavilion

Regency-era excess on the English Coast.
Copenhagen, Denmark


The old observatory in Copenhagen has a spiral corridor used as a racetrack.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.
Dundee, Scotland

Tay Bridge Memorial

Dedicated to one of the nation's worst engineering disasters.
Grangemouth, Scotland

The Kelpies

The heads of two giant mythological water horses honor Scotland's horselord past.
Chester, England

Chester Town Hall Clock Tower

The western face was supposedly left clock-less to snub the Welsh.
Nottingham, England

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

The oldest inn in England served brew to the crusaders.
Wrexham, Wales

Pontcysyllte Aqueduct

The longest and tallest aqueduct in Britain can actually be sailed across.
Gwynedd, Wales

Portmeirion Village

A miniature Italianate fantasy village on the coast of Wales and the set of ITC classic "The Prisoner."