Giovanni Pennisi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Gullfoss (Golden Falls)

If a glacial river suddenly diving into a sheer chasm via a dramatic, multi-stage waterfall isn't peak Iceland, it's certainly close.


The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe.


This elegant arc of a waterfall marks a religious turning point.


Iceland's largest lagoon is home to stunning multi-colored icebergs.
Grindavík, Iceland

Blue Lagoon

Medicinal spa created with the discharge from a geothermal energy plant.
Marsala, Italy

Tophet of Motya

These ruins of a Phoenician sanctuary in Sicily have a dark history.
Ferrara, Italy

Palazzo dei Diamanti

This Renaissance palace features a unique architectural design and is now home to the Ferrara National Art Gallery.
Turin, Italy

Piazza Statuto

This fountain is dedicated to the workers who perished constructing the Fréjus Rail Tunnel.
Turin, Italy

Egyptian Museum of Turin

One of the oldest and most significant collections of Ancient Egyptian archeology outside of Egypt.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Genoa, Italy

Roman Polanski's Neptune

Massive galleon from a box-office bomb docked in Genoa.
Naples, Italy

Birthplace of the Pizza Margherita Plaque

A popular legend claims that the famous pizza was invented at a restaurant in this alley.
Naples, Italy

Toledo Art Station

This shining multicolored metro station deep under Naples is said to be the most beautiful in Europe.
Alberobello, Italy


Southern Italy's spinning top village.
Matera, Italy

Sassi di Matera

People have been living in the cave houses on this Italian hillside since the Neolithic era.
Cefalù, Italy

Lavatoio Medievale

A medieval wash house where people washed clothes in a river allegedly formed by the tears of a mourning nymph.
Realmonte, Italy

Scala dei Turchi

"Stairs of the Turks", a chalky white cliff eroded conveniently into stairs, allowing for easy pillaging.
Favara, Italy

Farm Cultural Park

This constantly evolving art space saved an Italian town from its own crippling reputation.
Savoca, Italy

Bar Vitelli

A quiet Sicilian village is home to a cafe that had an important role in "The Godfather."
Syracuse, Italy

Ear of Dionysius

Italian cave with exceptional acoustics and an unsavory history.
Caltagirone, Italy

Ceramic Steps of Caltagirone

142 ceramic steps become a mosaic once a year.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Our Lord in the Attic

The attic of a four-century-old canal house hides a clandestine church.
Lisbon, Portugal

Rhinoceros of Belem Tower

A king's pet, a pope's gift, an artist's inspiration, and a tragic shipwreck.
Porto, Portugal

Sao Bento Station

Elaborate tile work in this railway station tells the story of Portugal.