greensj1783's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Round Spring, Missouri

Round Spring

An average of 33 million gallons of water pour out of the collapsed cave at the heart of this spherical spring.
Ellington, Missouri

Blue Spring

One of the deepest springs in Missouri.
Jadwin, Missouri

Welch Spring Hospital Ruins

Once an ambitious nature spa, these forest ruins now provide a serene monument to failure.
Vandalia, Illinois

The Kaskaskia Dragon

Buy a token from the liquor store and you can make this beast spew flames on command.
Sullivan, Missouri

Meramec Caverns

400 million-year old limestone caverns nestled in the Ozarks served as shelter and a hideout for cultures throughout North American history.
Bonne Terre, Missouri

Bonne Terre Mine

The world's largest man-made underground caverns offer unparalleled underwater wonders.
Sappington, Missouri

Laumeier Sculpture Park

Giant works of art interspersed throughout meadows and woodlands offer a new discovery at every turn.
St. Louis, Missouri

The Magic House

The Magic House provides a beautiful and creative environment for curious youngsters to get their knowledge on.
St. Louis, Missouri

1904 World's Fair Flight Cage

What was meant to be a temporary exhibit is now a permanent fixture at the St. Louis Zoo filled with beautiful birds.
St. Louis, Missouri

Turtle Playground

This is not your typical jungle gym.
St. Louis, Missouri

Eros Bendato

A creepy sculpture of a decapitated head invites viewers to see St. Louis through its empty eyes.
St. Louis, Missouri

Whispering Arch at Union Station

Speak to a companion on the other side of the room loud and clear through this architectural anomaly.