hhakama1's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lemmon, South Dakota

Petrified Wood Park

An entire city block built completely out of petrified wood.
Spearfish, South Dakota

Termesphere Gallery

This geodesic gallery holds a collection of painted spheres that make traditional canvases look lazy by comparison.
Murdo, South Dakota

Okaton Ghost Town

The deserted railroad town had a last gasp as a ghost town attraction before being abandoned for good.
Keystone, South Dakota

Black Elk Peak

The highest point in South Dakota contains the ashes of Valentine McGillycuudy, the "Holy White Man."
Garretson, South Dakota

Devil's Gulch

The ravine where Jesse James supposedly performed an impossible jump to evade capture.
Hot Springs, South Dakota

Mammoth Site

This prehistoric sinkhole lured exclusively male mammoths to their death, much to the delight of science.
Hermosa, South Dakota

Spokane Ghost Town

Despite repeated attempts to make it work, this former mining town is now nothing but dust and memories.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Cosmos Mystery Area

A place where the laws of nature seem to have gone completely berserk... but of course haven't.
Midland, South Dakota

Skeleton Man Walking Skeleton Dinosaur

Just a man taking his prehistoric pet for a stroll.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Chapel In The Hills

This replica stave church looks like a piece of Norway was simply plopped down in South Dakota.
Wall, South Dakota

Wall Drug

The granddaddy of all tourist traps, built on ice water, jackalopes, and a giant dinosaur.
Montrose, South Dakota

Porter Sculpture Park

A roadside collection of over-sized iron creations that are a bit more macabre than most.
Parshall, North Dakota

Paul Broste Rock Museum

One North Dakota man's vast collection of rare rocks, polished orbs, and geological wonders.
West Fargo, North Dakota

Pyrotechnics Guild International Convention

Annual convention held by the largest pyrotechnic community in the world.
Regent, North Dakota

Enchanted Highway Sculptures

One man's quest to save his town with a trail of record-breaking sculptures.
Astoria, Oregon

Shallon Winery

This solo operation offers the world's only whey wines in flavors such as chocolate-orange.
Redmond, Oregon

Redmond Caves

A sprawling cave network created by a lone lava tube.
Portland, Oregon

Ota Tofu

The oldest tofu shop in the United States is a firm favorite with locals.
Cave Junction, Oregon

Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve

This natural marble cave is one of only five national monuments in Oregon.
Sisters, Oregon

Clear Lake

The trunks of 3,000 year-old trees lurk beneath the surface of this crystal clear lake in Oregon.
Prineville, Oregon

Steins Pillar

This great stone guardian of the forest is a relic from the land's volatile volcanic past.
La Pine, Oregon

Lava Cast Forest

A rugged lava field dotted with molds of the ancient pines that were growing when the volcano erupted.

No Name Lake

Unknown to many, this sparkling turquoise lake hides amid Oregon's snowcapped mountains.
Pendleton, Oregon

Tamástslikt Cultural Institute

The only Native American museum along the Oregon Trail, run by the peoples who have lived on the land for generations.