ireher's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Sintra, Portugal
Places visited in Girona, Spain
Places visited in Liberec, Czechia
Places visited in Glastonbury, England
Places visited in Tarragona, Spain
Places visited in Teruel, Spain
Places visited in Verdú, Spain
Places visited in Bordeaux, France
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Barcelona, Spain

Palau Dalmases

This former Baroque palace on the historic Calle Montcada is a rare architectural gem and was once the meeting place of an aristocratic scholarly society.
Prague, Czechia

The Deer Moat Pedestrian Tunnel

The tunnel's elegant proportions keep you snug with no claustrophobia freak-out.
Schonach im Schwarzwald, Germany

World's Largest Cuckoo Clock

A Black Forest cuckoo clock theme park features one timepiece big enough to walk inside.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

Built in 1870 at the bridge that connected Buda and Pest, this spectacular incline railway was almost lost forever during World War II.
Budapest, Hungary

The Garden of Philosophers

Tucked away near more famous landmarks lies a statue meant to symbolize the confluence and continuing development of human culture.
Budapest, Hungary

The Hungarian Geological Institute Building

This hidden art nouveau gem was designed by an architect in search of a national style.
Budapest, Hungary

Panoptikum Budapest

A series of caves under Castle Hill that once held the prisoner Vlad Tepes, better known as Count Dracula.
Budapest, Hungary

The Citadella

From Austrians to Nazis to Soviets, this historic Budapest fortress has a history as complex as the city itself.
Budapest, Hungary

The Holy Right

The mummified right fist of a 1,000-year-old saint-king sits inside an ornate golden reliquary.
Budapest, Hungary


Possibly the world's largest hourglass only needs to be reset every New Year's Eve.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Cave Church

Once the home of a hermetic monk, this cave now houses a small church.
Budapest, Hungary

Hospital in the Rock

A museum dedicated to a secret military hospital hidden beneath a castle in Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Agriculture Museum

A fake Transylvanian castle houses a cathedral of antlers.
Budapest, Hungary

Vajdahunyad Castle

This Hungarian castle was built out of cardboard and wood until it proved so popular that it got upgraded to stone.
Budapest, Hungary

Terror Háza

Museum dedicated to the terror regimes of Hungary.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
London, England

William Wallace Memorial

A plaque hangs near the execution place of the Scottish Independence leader famously depicted in "Braveheart."
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Bock Casemates

An expansive complex of subterranean tunnels is all that remains of one of Europe's most formidable medieval fortresses.
Vienna, Austria

Karlskirche (St. Charles's Church)

Built to give thanks for the passing of a plague epidemic, this cathedral is a one-of-a-kind architectural hybrid.
Rome, Italy

Torre Argentina (Roman Cat Sanctuary)

Hundreds of lucky felines haunt the ruins where Caesar was murdered.
Potsdam, Germany


A quaint Russian village in the middle of a German metropolis.
Bangkok, Thailand

Erawan Shrine

A shrine built to combat the bad karma of a commercial venture.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”