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Palermo, Italy

Capuchin Monastery Catacombs

Thousands of well-dressed mummies below a monastery.
Valkenburg, Netherlands

Museum Romeinse Katakomben (Roman Catacombs Museum)

Visit the ancient, mysterious Roman catacombs ... in the Netherlands.
Klatovy, Czechia

Klatovy Catacomb Mummies

These 17th-century mummies are no longer naturally preserved, but remain on display today.
Melnik, Czechia

Melník Chapel of Bones

Underneath this small church are 15,000 bones, arranged by an obsessive academic.
Salzburg, Austria

The Catacombs of St. Peter's Abbey

These 12th-century catacombs carved into a mountainside were a place of mysticism and Christian hermitages.
Rome, Italy

The Sacconi Rossi Crypt

A burial vault located under Tiber Island in the middle of the Italian capital.
Mosta, Malta

Ta’ Bistra Catacombs

These lesser-known Maltese catacombs date back over 1,700 years.
Rabat, Malta

Maltese Catacomb Complexes

Burial grounds for more than 1,000 bodies deep under the modern town of Rabat.
Birmingham, England

Warstone Lane Cemetery Catacombs

A hidden gem in the middle of the city's infamous Jewelry Quarter.
Washington, D.C.

Catacombs of Washington, D.C.

Franciscan monks created a facsimile of the Holy Land for North Americans who couldn’t afford the trip overseas.
Naples, Italy

Santa Maria delle Anime del Purgatorio ad Arco

The Neapolitan Cult of the Dead still cares for the skulls at this mini-Fontanelle.
Naples, Italy

Fontanelle Cemetery Caves

Skulls from the plague of 1656 and World War II bombings are united by a cult dedicated to caring for the ancient dead.
Rabat, Malta

St. Cataldus Catacombs

Overshadowed by other, more famous Maltese catacombs, this ancient burial chamber has one of the best examples of a ritual agape table.
Chiusdino, Italy

The Sword in the Stone at Montesiepi Chapel

This sword isn't waiting for a king to pull it out. It was placed there by a saint.
Gdańsk, Poland

Ruins at Westerplatte

The site of the first battle of World War II.
Krakow, Poland

Wawel Dragon's Den

This Polish cave has housed a dragon, a brothel, and an enduring legend.
Oswiecim, Poland

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

The former Nazi concentration camp stands as a museum to remember this dark chapter in European history.
Wieliczka, Poland

Wieliczka Salt Mine

An underground city of salt.
Krakow, Poland

Rynek Underground

Beneath Kraków Old Town's main square lies a hologram-filled medieval market vampire graveyard wonderland.
Kudowa-Zdrój, Poland

Kaplica Czaszek: The Chapel of Skulls

The walls and ceiling of this Polish church are decorated with thousands of skulls, with another 21,000 skeletons just below.
Dzitnup, Mexico

Cenote Xkeken

These azure waters were thought to lead to the Mayan Underworld.
Studenci, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kravice Waterfalls

There's a mini version of Iguazu Falls hidden in the Balkans, and it's got a rope swing.
Midway, Utah

Homestead Crater

This geothermal hot spring hides beneath a slowly growing mineral dome.
Supai, Arizona

Havasupai Falls

This secluded aqua waterfall in the Grand Canyon is the perfect swimming hole, and the Havasupai tribe's fiercely protected natural wonder.