jamesjameson's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

Hidden Wall of 1976 Graffiti

A partially hidden wall graffitied by spectators of the 1976 Bicentennial, recently rediscovered.

The Unfinished Church

Storms, funding, and in-fighting have kept this Bermuda church from ever being completed.

Cooper's Island Nature Reserve

A tropical paradise once home to space exploration and military installations.

The Royal Naval Cemetery

The final resting place for Bermuda's British military, including a man who died of sunstroke.

The Abandoned Royal Navy Commander's House

The abandoned Bermudian home of a British naval leader is surrounded by crumbling sporting fields and the graves of convicts.

Royal Navy Docks

Once a strategically imperative naval base, portions of this Bermuda dock complex now serve cruise ships.
Foz do IguaƧu, Argentina

Iguazu Falls

A series of waterfalls so massive they straddle the border of Argentina and Brazil.
Paris, France

Statue of Liberty, Pont de Grenelle

This statue was given to France by the United States to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution.
Paris, France

Maison de Serge Gainsbourg

The former home of France's controversial pop maestro is almost completely covered in ever-changing tributes and graffiti.
Krakow, Poland

Wawel Dragon's Den

This Polish cave has housed a dragon, a brothel, and an enduring legend.
Krakow, Poland

Elvis Presley Avenue

There are thousands of tributes and memorials to the King, but none quite like this one in a KrakĆ³w city park.
Zakopane, Poland

Old Zakopane Cemetery

Polish luminaries and masterful folk art find sanctuary in this unique cemetery.
Krakow, Poland

Lord's Ark

In the midst of a living monument to Soviet social engineering, Polish Catholics built this church by hand.
Krakow, Poland

Kopiec Wandy (Wanda Mound)

An artificial hill and apparent calendric structure built in the Early Middle Ages immortalizes a legendary Polish princess.
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw Gasworks Museum

Warsaw's fantastically preserved gasworks...almost.
Warsaw, Poland

Chopin's Heart

After the famous composer died in Paris, his sister snuck his heart out of the country to honor his wish that it be buried in their native country.


This tumultuous Icelandic lava field looks so alien European researchers want to use it as a stand-in for Mars.
GrindavĆ­k, Iceland

Blue Lagoon

Medicinal spa created with the discharge from a geothermal energy plant.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Prospect Park Water Tower

This iconic water tower and failed bandstand is open for panoramic views once a year.
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Paul Bunyan Logging Camp Museum

The titular fictional logger only inhabits this otherwise historically focussed museum via a piece of fiberglass kitsch.
New York, New York

Grand Central Ceiling Dark Patch

A dark patch of the ceiling at Grand Central Terminal which was not restored is still stained brown by tobacco.
Brooklyn, New York

Bomelstein's Jewelers Clock

The only surviving sidewalk clock in Brooklyn.
New York, New York

James Farley Post Office Museum

A grand New York post office that is home to mailman Santas, scraps of postal history, and a pneumatic mail system.
New York, New York

Bellevue Hospital

The name of this famed hospital was once a byword for the horrors of medical and psychiatric care.