jaquelinebremmer's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Toronto, Ontario

The Monkey's Paw

A book collector's dream, this Toronto bookstore has the world's first "Biblio-Mat," a random book vending machine.
Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Kalyan Minaret

This "tower of death" has acted as an observatory, a religious hub, and an executioner's lair.
Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Shah-i-Zinda Necropolis

The Avenue of Mausolea is a series of grand palatial tombs.
Kabul, Afghanistan

Darul Aman Palace

What was once supposed to be the symbol of a shining Afghan future is now a bombed-out ruin.
Bamyan, Afghanistan

Site of the Bamiyan Buddhas

Once an impressive link to Afghanistan’s Buddhist past, now a sad reminder of intolerance towards other cultures.
Mitsero, Cyprus

Abandoned Mitsero Mines

Rusted structures stand like ghosts of Cyprus' 6,000-year-old copper industry.
Finike, Cyprus


A crumbling ghost town with prime views of the dam that doomed it.
Lagoudera, Cyprus

Panagia tu Araka

Breathtaking Byzantine paintings cover the inside of this 12th-century church.
Egkomi, Cyprus

Nicosia International Airport

This former Cyprus flight hub is now a crumbling, abandoned ghost complex.
Kolossi, Cyprus

Kolossi Castle

This 700-year-old Cyprus castle is the birthplace of the world's oldest wine, said to be toasted by Richard the Lionheart at his wedding.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

Whitewashed mosque contains the world's largest carpet.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai Miracle Garden

Billed as the "largest natural flower garden in the world" this Middle Eastern show field has little competition at 45 million flowers.
An-Nabk District, Syria

Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi

This ancient mountain monastery welcomes all manner of faith in an effort to keep Christians in Syria.
Balshoon, Syria

Dead City of Serjilla

A 1,500-year-old ghost settlement is slowly fading away.
Palmyra, Syria


Mysterious lost empire of the Silk Road.
Safita, Syria

Krak des Chevaliers

Ruins of the Crusaders' headquarters.
Bidah Valley, Saudi Arabia

Thee Ain Ancient Village

Village of slate houses, built on a white marble outcrop.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Hegra Archaeological Site

More than 100 monumental tombs carved into rock are preserved at this ancient Nabataean site in the Arabian Desert.
Hegra, Saudi Arabia

Qasr al-Farid

An unfinished tomb carved into a giant boulder in the Arabian Desert.
Muscat, Oman

The Muttrah Souq

This bazaar is one of the oldest in the Arabian world.
Qurayyat, Oman

Bimmah Sinkhole

A sinkhole and now a swimming hole, too, full of dazzling turquoise water.
Nakhl, Oman

Nakhal Fort

An imposing Omani fortress surrounded by date palm trees.
Jitta, Lebanon

Jeita Grotto

A monumental underground karstic wonderland is also the water source for over a million citizens of Beirut.

Al Wukair Scrapyard

Some 20,000 dust-covered unwanted vehicles languish in the desert.