jasonreser's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Seattle, Washington

Ballard Bridge

Granting the right of way to ships over surface traffic since 1917.
Ashford, Washington

Mount Rainier

The highest point in Washington state is a volcano covered in glaciers.
Mold, Washington

Banks Lake

Every drop of water in this 27-mile long reservoir was pumped up from the Columbia River using power from Grand Coulee Dam.
Chicago, Illinois

Aircraft Carriers of Navy Pier

Chicago's Navy Pier on Lake Michigan was a training hub for aircraft carrier pilots during WWII.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Stock Exchange Trading Room

Once at the center of U.S. finance, the historic Trading Room was meticulously recreated piece by piece and rebuilt in the Art Institute.
Chicago, Illinois

Willis Tower Glass Platform

Four glass boxes hover over 1,000 feet in the air to give visitors an unparalleled view of Chicago.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Leslie Nielsen's Gravesite

A self-explanatory attraction allows fans to respectfully remember and honor a comedy legend.
Houston, Texas


In Houston's airport, a cow is properly equipped to jump over the moon.
Inverness, Scotland

Old High Church Kirkyard

The oldest church in Inverness witnessed the brutal executions of many Scottish soldiers.
Carrbridge, Scotland

Old Packhorse Bridge

Designed to allow funerals to proceed over the River Dulnain.
Glasgow, Scotland

Poetry Postbox

A ceramic postbox where visitors can post original poems and creative messages.
Glasgow, Scotland

University of Glasgow Memorial Gates

Inscribed on the gate are the names of 29 figures from the University's first five centuries.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cameron Memorial Fountain

Glasgow's own "tipsy" temperance monument.
Glasgow, Scotland

Doulton Fountain

The largest terracotta fountain in the world, built to commemorate Britain’s Victorian achievements.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Glasgow Necropolis

"Respectful to the dead, safe and sanitary to the living, dedicated to the Genius of Memory..."
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral Graffiti

An 18th-century religious argument etched into stone.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow Cathedral's Hebrew Inscriptions

In the depths of Glasgow Cathedral's crypt, one pillar stands out from all others.
Glasgow, Scotland

St. Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art

This Scottish museum is the only one in the world to focus not on one religion but all of them.
Glasgow, Scotland

Provand's Lordship

The oldest house in Glasgow is now a museum dedicated to the city's medieval history.
Glasgow, Scotland

'All Greatness Stands Firm in the Storm'

A unique art installation located on what was once considered the widest railway bridge in the world.
Glasgow, Scotland

Duke of Wellington Statue

This stately monument has been wearing a traffic cone hat for decades much to the delight of the locals.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Trongate Cherub

An angelic, yet demonic-looking figurine presides over one of Glasgow's most ancient streets.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Scotia Bar

Glasgow's oldest pub has a proud literary tradition and possibly a ghost or two.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mons Meg

A six-ton wedding present for the King of the Scots.