jen487's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Geneva, Illinois
Places added to Springfield, Illinois
Places visited in Collinsville, Illinois
Places added to Tarpon Springs, Florida
Places edited in Geneva, Illinois
Places edited in Jemez Springs, New Mexico
Places added to Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Places edited in Peoria, Illinois
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Charleston, South Carolina

Old Slave Mart

South Carolina's last remaining slavery auction house is now a museum devoted to its own tragic history.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Duquesne Incline

There aren't too many operational funiculars around, but Pittsburgh has two!
Collinsville, Illinois

Illinois Woodhenge

Fresh wooden posts have been added to ancient holes to recreate a primitive henge clock.
Collinsville, Illinois

Cahokia Mounds

Once one of the world's great cities, Cahokia was a place of religious worship, trade and mass human sacrifice before being mysteriously abandoned.
Waukegan, Illinois

Dead River

A river with some unusual, and occasionally dangerous, habits.
Effingham, Illinois

America's Largest Cross

Known as the "Cross At The Crossroads," this massive metal cross is just short enough to avoid the FAA.
Park Ridge, Illinois

American Science & Surplus

A science teacher's dream.
Chicago, Illinois

Wicker Park

Once called the "Polish Gold Coast" it is an icon of the neighborhood that bears its same name.
Chicago, Illinois

Rock N Roll McDonald's and Museum

The palatial McDonald's that inspired Wesley Willis.
Chicago, Illinois


The unluckiest U-boat in the entire German fleet is now on display in a Chicago museum.
Batavia, Illinois

Fabyan Windmill

Arguably the best example of an authentic Dutch windmill in the United States, rivaling its counterparts in the Netherlands.
Springfield, Illinois

Lincoln Tomb

When you visit his grave, be sure to rub the Great Emancipator's nose for good luck.
Springfield, Illinois

Museum of Funeral Customs

The history of funerals and funerary customs.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mütter Museum

America's most famous museum of medical oddities is home to the remains of Albert Einstein's brain.
London, England

Whispering Gallery at St Paul’s Cathedral

Hear the quietest sound from across the dome.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


A place to eat for on-the-run agents and espionage enthusiasts.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Orlando's Column in Dubrovnik

An ancient knight and a symbol of the city's freedom.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Milwaukee Art Museum

This striking art museum holds an amazing series of curiosity cabinets.
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Mars Cheese Castle

Wisconsin's most celebrated export gets the royal treatment on I-94.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Wadsworth, Illinois

Onan's Gold Pyramid House

A six-story-tall golden pyramid, surrounded by a moat.
Collinsville, Illinois

World's Largest Catsup Bottle

Quirky water tower advertises the long-gone Brooks Tomato Products Co.
Chicago, Illinois

Tsavo Man Eaters

These pretty kitties killed and ate as many as 135 railway workers.