jenn1170's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Perry, Florida

Ruins of The Hampton Springs Hotel

The ruins of a Florida miracle spring resort make it seem like a wonder that this was ever a health spa.
Gainesville, Florida

Historic Haile Homestead

Over 12,500 words are scrawled across each room of this historic plantation house and no one knows why.
Key West, Florida

Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden

Visitors are welcome to enter this lush Key West sanctuary to entertain its plethora of rescued parrots.
Gibsonton, Florida

Gibsonton, Florida

The snowbirds here are circus sideshow performers.
Gainesville, Florida

University of Florida Bat Houses

The world's largest occupied bat houses hold hundreds of thousands of flying mammals.
Captiva, Florida

The Bubble Room

This kitsch eatery is chock-a-block with bric-a-brac.
New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Cruger-dePeyster Sugar Mill Ruins

Despite being made of a seashell mortar, the crumbling remains of this historic Florida mill are still standing.
Jacksonville, Florida

Abandoned Annie Lytle Elementary School

Jacksonville's highways rendered this century-old grammar school unusable.
Homestead, Florida

Aerojet Dade Rocket Facility

When this test site was abandoned, they didn't even bother to take the rocket with them.
Marianna, Florida

Florida Caverns State Park

The only Florida state park with publicly accessible caves.
Miami, Florida

Monkey Jungle

Where monkeys run wild and the humans are caged.
Naples, Florida

Clam Pass Beach

A hidden beach at the end of a tunnel of mangrove trees.
Lake Helen, Florida


Town of spiritualists and mediums in Florida.
Safety Harbor, Florida


This home is decked out like a psychedelic explosion of colors and bowling balls.
North Miami Beach, Florida

The Cloisters of the Ancient Spanish Monastery

St Bernard de Clairvaux Episcopal Church, better known as one of the oldest European buildings in the Western Hemisphere.
Gainesville, Florida

The Devil's Millhopper

This Florida sinkhole hides a rainforest-like micro-environment in its depths.
St. Petersburg, Florida

Salvador Dalí Museum

Florida might be at its most surreal in this museum devoted to the famed Spanish artist.
Walhalla, South Carolina

Stumphouse Tunnel

An unfinished rail tunnel that has since been used to house cheese and bats.
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania

Museum of Mourning Art

Arlington Cemetery exhibit dedicated to death and grieving.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Harry's Occult Shop

Century-old shop, specializing in Occult products.
Montrose, Pennsylvania

Penny Rock

Visitors to Salt Springs State Park are encouraged to literally put their two cents in Penny Rock.
Greensburg, Pennsylvania

St. Clair Park

Originally a cemetery, this city park remains speckled with a handful of scattered gravestones.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Museum of Material Failures

It may appear to be a fancy junk yard, but each item has a story to tell and a lesson to impart.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Immaculate Reception Monument

This spot memorializes one of the greatest plays in NFL history, unless you happen to be a Raiders fan.