ji's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan

Yagiri no Watashi

The only Edo-period ferry that is still in operation in Tokyo today.
Kushiro, Japan

Lake Akan Ainu Kotan

This village is home to the largest existing settlement of the Ainu, the Indigenous people of Japan.
Kazuno, Japan

Ōyu Stone Circles

Constructed thousands of years ago, these stone circles offer incredible insight into the lives of the people who built them.
Minakami, Japan

Mount Tanigawa

This little known mountain has claimed four times as many lives as Everest.
Yufu, Japan

Yufuin Floral Village

This amusement park brings a little slice of England to the heart of Kyushu.
Nankoku, Japan

Yuzuan Restaurant

Come for the fish sundae, stay for the collection of Studio Ghibli cat buses.
Otsuki, Japan

Saruhashi Bridge

According to one legend, this bridge was crafted after monkeys formed a body-bridge across the gorge.
Tokyo, Japan

Jinnai Shrine

This shrine dedicated to a legendary swordsman has become a pilgrimage site for the ill and infirmed.
Kurashiki, Japan

Matsuka Seimen Noodle Factory

Fans line up at the crack of dawn for a slurpy bowl of deliciousness at this noodle counter inside a factory.
Ikaruga, Japan


Home to the world's oldest wooden building.
Miyazu-shi, Japan


Turn around and stick your head between your legs for the best view of this tree-covered sandbar.
Kyoto, Japan

Funaoka Onsen

Have a soak at this retro bathhouse, where you will find Japan's first electric bath, tiling from Spain, and wood carvings representing the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.
Shimanto-chō, Japan

Kaiyodo Kappa Museum

A whimsical museum dedicated to the mischievous kappa, a mythical cucumber-loving water sprite.
Kitagawa, Japan

Monet's Garden Marmottan

Nope, not the one in France. The only officially-recognized reproduction of Monet’s garden in Giverny is located in a remote corner of Japan.
Midori-ku, Japan

The Hotel Royal

This seven story Japanese love hotel now stands in ruins.
Yusuhara, Japan

Yusuhara Town Library

High in the mountains of Kochi Prefecture, a magnificent library designed by a world-famous architect.
Narusawa, Japan

Fugaku Wind Cave

One in a pair of subterranean caves created by an ancient eruption of Mount Fuji.
Nikko, Japan

Abandoned Western Village

This western-themed amusement park is host to a large number of decaying animatronic cowboys.
Yonaguni, Japan

Yonaguni-jima Kaitei Chikei (Yonaguni Monument)

The Yonaguni Monument, a natural formation or the Japanese Atlantis?
Hachioji, Japan

Yakuo-in Temple

This incredible mountainside temple is home to intriguing statues of demon-like creatures.
Kumamoto, Japan

Musashizuka Park

This beautiful Japanese garden is a memorial to the samurai who literally wrote the book on business as martial art.
Izena-son, Japan

Izena Island

Ruins and statues dot the landscape of this tiny island rich with royal history.
Tokyo, Japan

Secret Cobblestones of Hide-and-Seek Alley

A few hidden stones are said to bring fortune and love.
Miyakejima, Japan

Gas Mask Tourism on the Izu Islands

Sulphuric gases inhabit a beautiful Japanese island.