jodiebelcher's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Whittier, Alaska
Places visited in Talkeetna, Alaska
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Coldfoot, Alaska

Coldfoot Camp

The northernmost truck stop in the United States.

Arctic Circle Monument Sign

The stickered marker pinpoints where the only maintained road in the United States crosses into the polar region.
Healy, Alaska

'Magic Bus' Replica

A copy of the famous bus used during the filming of 'Into the Wild' is on display at an Alaska brewery.
Talkeetna, Alaska

The Cat Mayor of Talkeetna

This Alaskan town appoints the general store's resident feline as honorary mayor.
Palmer, Alaska

Musk Ox Farm

An Alaska livestock farm devotes itself to harvesting wool from creatures that once ran with mammoths and sabertooth tigers.
Anchorage, Alaska

Alaska Native Heritage Center

See a full-scale whale skeleton and experience the captivating culture of Alaska’s Native people at this heritage center in east Anchorage.
Anchorage, Alaska

Earthquake Park

The now-serene site of the largest earthquake ever recorded in North America.
Whittier, Alaska

Buckner Building

This WWII-era military installation once held an entire city within its walls - now, its walls are falling down.
Marietta, Ohio

The Mound Cemetery

At the center of this cemetery stands a 2,000-year-old burial mound of the Adena culture.
Paris, France

The Bouquinistes of Paris

The tradition of open-air secondhand and antiquarian bookselling in Paris dates back to the Renaissance.
San Diego, California

Zoro Garden

Swarms of butterflies cannot compare to the awe inspired by the publicly-funded nakedness once displayed in this sunken garden.
San Diego, California

Spreckels Organ Pavilion

The world's largest outdoor organ is played weekly by one of just two civic organists in the U.S.
San Diego, California

Balboa Park Botanical Building and Lily Pond

Built for an exposition in 1915, these horticultural displays have stood the test of time.
San Diego, California

San Diego Museum of Us

An extraordinarily ornate museum in San Diego holds wondrous anthropological treasures.
San Diego, California

Harper's Topiary Garden

A couple turned their front yard into an artistic masterpiece.
Sutton, West Virginia

Flatwoods Monster Museum

In 1952, a strange encounter in the woods of West Virginia led to the legend of a 10-foot-tall monster with glowing eyes and a distinctive style.
Parkersburg, West Virginia

Blennerhassett Island

Visit a replica of the estate where Aaron Burr allegedly plotted a treasonous scheme against the United States.
Eleele, Hawaii

Kauai Glass Beach

This industrial area was the dumping ground for massive amounts of trash, some of which washes up as tiny bits of sea glass.
Tampa, Florida

Henry B. Plant Museum

Step back into the glory days of Florida's nascent tourism industry at this Gilded Age palace.
Venice, Florida

Circus in Venice

For 32 years the famous Ringling Bros circus troupe spent winters in this sunny spot in Florida.
Sarasota, Florida

Medieval Art Exhibit at the Ringling Museum

The collection of 80+ pieces created between the years 1100 and 1500 is intended to be seen, heard, smelled, touched, and tasted.
Austin, Texas

Frost Bank Tower

Locals dubbed it the "Owl Building" because of its bird-like appearance.
Austin, Texas

Susanna Dickinson Museum

A tribute to the "toughest woman on the Texas frontier," who survived a famous battle and five husbands.
Austin, Texas

Toy Joy

A store full of vintage and indie toys designed to bring out the kid in even the crustiest of adults.