jowens's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Salem, Massachusetts

Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery

A collection of full-size movie monsters opened to the public.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Asbury Park, New Jersey

Paranormal Museum

A storefront museum in Asbury Park honoring the Jersey Shore’s deep history of mystery—including the Jersey Devil.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Africville Museum

Housed inside a replica church, its collection honors the Black community displaced by the Halifax government.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Bayers Lake Mystery Walls

No one knows the origins of the mysterious stone ruins discovered on a hillside in Halifax.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Sable Island

This crescent-shaped sliver of sand is a magical haven for a herd of feral horses.
Madison, Wisconsin

Dapper Cadaver

"Looks so real, it's scary!"
Los Angeles, California

La Brea Tar Pits Dragonfly Fossils

These delicate buggers are some of the rarest fossils that have bubbled up from the Tar Pits.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Resting place of Hollywood's immortals is also site of summer film screenings.
Toronto, Ontario

Arthur Conan Doyle Room

One of the foremost Sherlock Holmes collections is hidden away at a Toronto library.
Thorold, Ontario

Blue Ghost Tunnel

Abandoned for over a century, this chilling train tunnel is now a destination for ghost hunters.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

Screaming Tunnel

Legend says that this short Canadian tunnel still holds the dying screams of a girl who burned alive.
Tobermory, Ontario

Flowerpot Island

Little island known for its massive beachfront "flowerpot" pillars.
Creemore, Ontario

Creemore Jail

Reputedly the smallest jail in North America.
Peterborough, Ontario

Canadian Canoe Museum

The largest canoe collection in the world—and the most Canadian museum ever.
Campbellford, Ontario

Giant Toonie

This giant Canadian coin is a monument to the artist who created its iconic emblem.
Prince Edward, Ontario

Lake on the Mountain

A mysterious lake provides fresh water without any source, somehow restoring itself from atop its mountaintop perch.
Thunder Bay, Ontario

Sleeping Giant

Profile of a sleeping person 4km long in 250m high cliffs.
Timmins, Ontario

The World's Oldest Pool of Water

It's 2 billion years old!
Wawa, Ontario

Wawa Goose

This giant roadside goose has been hailing travelers into a small Ontario town for over 50 years.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Agawa Canyon Wilderness Park

Accessible only by train, the beauty of Agawa Canyon Wilderness Park is worth the journey.
Agawa Bay, Ontario

Agawa Rock

A sacred Ojibwe site covered in pictographs next to Lake Superior.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre

The world's only bushplane museum captures the spirit of the early planes and pilots and their contributions to northern life in Canada.
Manitowaning, Ontario

Manitou Lake

Lake within a lake.