kblackwood's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Shenzhen Shi, China
Places edited in Lido, Italy
Places edited in Nicosia, Cyprus
Places visited in Casablanca, Morocco
Places visited in Yerevan, Armenia
Places edited in Cyprus
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Bucharest, Romania

The House of Ceaușescu

The kitsch mansion of the former Romanian president Nicolae Ceaușescu features a golden bathroom.
Bucharest, Romania

Memorial of Rebirth

This memorial to the victims of the Romanian Revolution of 1989 is often compared to a potato on a skewer.
Bucharest, Romania

Palace of the Parliament

This communist behemoth is the heaviest building in the world and a legacy of a brutal regime.
Bucharest, Romania

Cărturești Carusel Bookstore

This once-derelict building is now one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world.
Bucharest, Romania

Curtea Veche (Old Princely Court)

The bust of Romania’s most notorious ruler, Vlad Dracula aka "Vlad the Impaler," keeps watch over the ruins of his medieval court.
Sinaia, Romania

Peleș Castle

This elaborately decorated, fairytale-like Romanian royal palace is one of the most striking castles in Europe.
Sighișoara, Romania

Sighișoara Saxon Cemetery

This hauntingly beautiful cemetery outside a medieval citadel is full of winding paths and ivy-covered graves.
Sighișoara, Romania

Towers of Sighișoara

Nine centuries-old fortresses guard the walls of this medieval Romanian city.
Oxford, England

J.R.R. Tolkien's Grave

The names Lúthien and Beren can be found inscribed on the shared grave of the famous writer and his beloved wife and muse.
Chicago, Illinois

Beginning (and End) of Historic Route 66

A journey begins with a single step, and for many, the road-trip of a lifetime started at this Chicago intersection.
North Yorkshire, England

Malham Cove

Harry Potter once visited this massive limestone cliff, which was carved by an ancient glacial river.
Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Wales


This Welsh village gave itself a ridiculous name in a publicity stunt a century ahead of its time.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witchery

Near the former site of numerous witch burnings, this lavish Edinburgh mainstay pays homage to Scotland's brutal history.
Glenfinnan, Scotland

Glenfinnan Viaduct

Now famous as the "Harry Potter bridge," this impressive concrete viaduct has long been an icon in its own right.
Venice, Italy

Ponte delle Tette

In the past, Renaissance sex workers were encouraged to entice customers on this bridge.
Tbilisi, Georgia

Berikaoba Sculpture Group

A lively circle of dancers in the Georgian capital commemorates an ancient rite of spring.
Yerevan, Armenia

The Matenadaran

This medieval manuscript collection has some of the most obscure and ancient texts in the world.
Pristina, Kosovo

Kosovo Bill Clinton Statue

A 11-foot former president stands on a Kosovo street that also bears his name.
Kazanlak, Bulgaria

Buzludzha Monument

An abandoned saucer-shaped monument in the Bulgarian mountains.
Rilski manastir, Bulgaria

Rila Monastery

This historic black and white monastery is one of Bulgaria's architectural jewels.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Statue of Sveta Sofia

"Holy Wisdom" overlooks the city that became its namesake.
Sofia, Bulgaria

The Largo

Sofia's legislative center is continuously reinventing itself.
Bran, Romania

Bran Castle

The possible imprisonment of Vlad the Impaler here earned the medieval castle its nickname, "Dracula's Castle."
Shipka, Bulgaria

Shipka Memorial Church

A magnificent, glittering building tucked into a tiny Bulgarian mountain town.