kelseyecashman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Chicago, Illinois

Pullman Historic District

First planned industrial community in the United States.
Anoka, Minnesota

Anoka State Hospital

For over a century, it was a crucial center of mental health treatment and also the source of many local legends.
Long Beach, California

The RMS Queen Mary

The awe-inspiring ship from the golden era of cruising has an incomparable history and a reputation as one of the world’s most haunted places.
Rapid City, South Dakota

Hotel Alex Johnson

One of America’s oldest and spookiest hotels, thanks to the residency of ghosts, dead presidents, and Alfred Hitchcock.
St. Augustine, Florida

Pirate & Treasure Museum

Arrr! The most authentic collection of pirate artifacts in the world... matey.
St. Augustine, Florida

The Ponce de León Hotel

A luxurious 1880s hotel with its fair share of Tiffany stained glass, Edison electricity, and of course, ghosts.
Savannah, Georgia

Lucas Theatre

The first public building in Savannah to offer air conditioning was a luxurious cinema that still operates today.
Savannah, Georgia

The Pirates' House

This kitschy tavern is also home to rare early editions of "Treasure Island."
Chicago, Illinois

Garfield Park Conservatory

A lush green oasis in the middle of Chicago.
Chicago, Illinois

The Violet Hour

A speakeasy takes on Chicago's drinking culture.
Chicago, Illinois

Woolly Mammoth Antiques and Oddities

This morbid, delightful curiosity shop offers everything from animal bones to human teeth.
San Francisco, California

Hotel Vertigo

A historic hotel that made a cameo in Hitchcock's classic film has no intention of letting guests forget its fame.
Los Angeles, California

St. Vincent Court

A faux European lane smack dab in downtown L.A.
Edgartown, Massachusetts

'Jaws' Bridge

The filming location of a shark attack in Steven Spielberg's famous shark movie.
Beverly Hills, California

Greystone Mansion

Stroll the grounds built by murder, suicide, and dirty oil money at one of Hollywood's most filmed mansions.
Waxahachie, Texas

Munster Mansion

A Victorian mansion, painstakingly reproduced to appear just as the the Munster's family home did on TV.
Los Angeles, California

Ennis House

This weird abode has inspired everything from the "House On Haunted Hil" to a robot hunter's pad.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Tower Apartments

This glamorous old building is said to have inspired the Tower of Terror.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.
Los Angeles, California

Halloween House

Everyone remembers Laurie Strode from Halloween, but this is the house where most of the blood was shed.
Amityville, New York

Amityville Horror House

The site of a tragic massacre that spawned a multimedia franchise.
Los Angeles, California

Millennium Biltmore Hotel

This opulent hotel has been visited by Spider-Man, Charlie's Angels, and the Ghostbusters.
Marfa, Texas

Hotel Paisano

A little stop along the Texas highway where Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean stayed while shooting the 1955 film "Giant."
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."