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Places visited in Braddock, Pennsylvania
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South Park Township, Pennsylvania

Oliver Miller Homestead

A preserved 18th century homestead in Western Pennsylvania marks the spot where the Whiskey Rebellion began.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Knoxville Incline Overlook Park & Greenway

An abandoned incline railway site is now a green space with six acres of trails connecting hilltop neighborhoods.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Paramount Film Exchange

Once used to screen films for theater owners to rent, this historic building is now a start up hub.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Fence

Once the most painted on object in the world, this short campus fence is well on its way to being so again.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Nine Mile Run

This picturesque stream was up until recently the site of a ten story mountain of slag and sewage.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Bacchus House

The god of wine stares out at passersby on this busy Pittsburgh thoroughfare.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Homewood Cemetery

A quiet, gothic haven nestled between Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill and Point Breeze neighborhoods.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh's Snoopy Doghouse

Despite being stolen multiple times, this civic electrician's street corner Snoopy won't be stopped.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Former Pittsburgh Stock Exchange

When oil was discovered just outside of Pittsburgh, the city became home to this regional stock market.
West Mifflin, Pennsylvania

The Blue Whale of Noah's Ark

The last funhouse of its kind, where guests enter through the mouth of an 80-year-old blue whale.
Danbury, Connecticut

John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant

After the comedian dissed a Connecticut town on his show, they named a sewage treatment plant after him.
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Trust Rotunda Building

Marvel at this turn-of-the-century masterpiece that has been turned into a rather stately supermarket.
Cleveland, Ohio

World's Largest Rubber Stamp

Cleveland's giant "free" stamp is a nod to the Civil War, but was misinterpreted for years.
Anaheim, California


The lead horse on a Disneyland merry-go-round that is older than the park itself.
Anaheim, California

Walt Disney’s Bench

Inspiration struck on this seat outside the Griffith Park merry-go-round.
Anaheim, California

Dominguez Palm Tree

A family agreed to sell their property to Disney on the condition that this tree, planted as a wedding gift, would not be removed.
Anaheim, California

Petrified Tree

The oldest attraction in Disneyland is a prehistoric stump that Walt may have bought for his wife.
Anaheim, California

Disneyland's Club 33

The hidden jewel of Disneyland: a members only playground for the Disney elite.
Newport Beach, California


Fourteen curious and controversial white bunnies sit in a circle near Newport Beach City Hall.
Newport Beach, California

The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island

Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand.
Hartford, Connecticut

Charter Oak Frame

A portrait of the Charter Oak hangs in a frame made from the Charter Oak.
Hartford, Connecticut

Museum of Natural and Other Curiosities

A wunderkammer hidden on the top floor of the Hartford statehouse.
Hartford, Connecticut

Ancient Burying Ground

The oldest place in Hartford is a cemetery with thousands of bodies stacked beneath the grass.
Hartford, Connecticut

Hartford Isle of Safety

The former location of a platform that allowed passengers to safely wait for the trolley.