kford127636's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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St. Louis, Missouri

City Museum

Less a museum than a bizarre fantasy world created by artists and engineers.
Jadwin, Missouri

Welch Spring Hospital Ruins

Once an ambitious nature spa, these forest ruins now provide a serene monument to failure.
Bonne Terre, Missouri

Bonne Terre Mine

The world's largest man-made underground caverns offer unparalleled underwater wonders.
Atchison, Kansas

Amelia Earhart Earthworks

The face of the famed flier in a hillside in her hometown.
St. Joseph, Missouri

Jesse James Home Museum

The house where the famed outlaw was shot by a dirty coward is now a museum to the criminal's legacy.
Springfield, Missouri

Wonders of Wildlife Museum

An unexpected but incredible collection of wildlife dioramas spanning rainforests, swamps, forests, and plains.
Springfield, Missouri

Fantastic Caverns

The show pony of cave systems, Fantastic Caverns manages to live up to its name.
Columbia, Missouri

Thomas Jefferson’s Original Tombstone

The obelisk meant to mark the founding father's grave at Monticello is actually on the University of Missouri campus.
Commerce, Oklahoma

Home of Mickey Mantle

The modest childhood home where the baseball legend and Yankees star learned to hit from both sides of the plate.
Carthage, Missouri

Precious Moments Chapel and Gardens

An adorably sweet display of sculpted Precious Moments figurines.
Joplin, Missouri

National Cookie Cutter Historical Museum

A small museum dedicated to the whimsical tool that turns sugar cookies into works of art.
Camdenton, Missouri

Ha Ha Tonka Castle Ruins

European castle ruins in an American state park are actually the product of death and grief.
Los Angeles, California

Philosophical Research Society

A library of rare occult books in Los Angeles.
Stigler, Oklahoma

Younger's Bend

The final resting place and once home of the Bandit Queen of the West.
Spiro, Oklahoma

Spiro Mounds

Where hills of dirt conceal the burial ground of one of the most powerful ancient Native American societies.
Chelsea, Oklahoma

Totem Pole Park

This historic folk art garden contains a nightmare tower that claims to be the world's largest concrete totem pole.
Arcadia, Oklahoma

Old Route 66 Filling Station

Along the historic Mother Road is an old gas station with a secret counterfeiting past.
Catoosa, Oklahoma

Blue Whale of Catoosa

Nature's biggest mammal swims in landlocked Oklahoma.
Edmond, Oklahoma

Gandini's Circus

Tucked away on an empty wooded lot in suburban Oklahoma City lie the remnants of an abandoned circus camp.
Bartlesville, Oklahoma


A whimsical tower with a spiral staircase, inspired by the Space Age and the Möbius strip.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Factory Obscura Mix-Tape

An immersive art experience built by local arts collaborative, Factory Obscura, in the building formerly known as The Womb, a psychedelic arts center founded by the frontman of the Flaming Lips.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Center of the Universe

An acoustic anomaly with a mysterious cause.
Kenton, Oklahoma

Black Mesa

The highest point in Oklahoma used to be a lawless outlaw's paradise.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

45th Infantry Museum

A museum honoring Oklahoma military service, where you can look into Hitler's mirror and see a Mickey Mouse gas mask.