khughes93's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bled, Slovenia
Places visited in Wuppertal, Germany
Places added to Valencia, Spain
Places visited in Cuenca, Spain
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Hamburg, Germany

Beatles-Platz (Beatles Square)

This red light district plaza memorializes the Fab Four and their historic connection to the area.
Hamburg, Germany

St. Pauli Elbtunnel

Hamburgers are intensely proud of their tunnel beneath the river.
Cologne, Germany

Papa Joe's Biersalon Klimperkasten

If the tunes of antique organs and musical marionettes don't intoxicate you, the draft beer certainly will.
Wuppertal, Germany

Lego Bridge

This painted Lego bridge is the product of over a century of locomotive history.
Wuppertal, Germany

Schwebebahn Wuppertal

This "floating railway" is one of the world's oldest monorail systems.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mason's Memorial Pillars

A rare remnant of an exposition that took place nearby at the end of the 19th-century.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Frederick Douglass Mural

A building-sized painting of the renowned 19th-century American abolitionist.
Sagunt, Spain

Roman Theatre of Sagunto

This ancient amphitheater was restored in the early 1990s.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Colinton Tunnel

This former train tunnel is filled with lines from a poem crafted by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Edinburgh, Scotland


A public art installation with a nautical themed poem, enhances this pedestrian street.
Edinburgh, Scotland

St. John's Churchyard Branch Sculpture

The artwork mysteriously appeared within an Edinburgh cemetery.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wooden Animal Sculptures

Another entry into the world of Edinburgh's pop-up artworks.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Heave Awa Hoose

This monument is dedicated to a young boy who survived a disaster that forced Edinburgh to reevaluate its building codes.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Queen Mary's Bath House

The building where Mary, Queen of Scots was said to have bathed in white wine.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Morocco's Land Effigy

This unusual statue overlooking the Royal Mile has an interesting backstory.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'The Stones of Scotland'

A poetic monument to the Scottish Parliament.
Edinburgh, Scotland

'Center of Edinburgh' Bollard

This mundane post marks the old location of the city's main postal hub.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Great Hall Ceiling at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Sprawled across the Great Hall ceiling are various constellations and images relating to the zodiac.
Saint Andrews, Scotland

Hamish McHamish Statue

This bronze statue was erected to honor a small Scottish town's beloved stray cat.
Edinburgh, Scotland

6 Times

A succession of eerily contemplative iron figures lead from a Scottish museum to the sea.
Orkney, Scotland

Cuween Hill Cairn

Enter the world under the hill at this ancient UK burial chamber.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Royal Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh

One of the oldest scientific gardens in Britain, containing more than 13,302 plant species in its core collection.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca (Ethnobotanical Garden of Oaxaca)

A 16th-century monastery boasts a lush array of plants native to Mexico’s most biodiverse region.