krossarts's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Chesterfield, Missouri

Pecan Legacy Park

After miraculously surviving a giant flood, the 19th-century nut tree and its offspring are protected with their own tiny park.
St. Charles, Missouri

Weldon Spring Disposal Site

Entombed in this strange, white stone hill are the deadly remains of radioactive weapons production.
Chesterfield, Missouri

The Awakening II

A sculpture of a giant man escaping from the depths of the Earth.
Ridgedale, Missouri

Bat Bar in Lost Canyon Cave

If there's another drive-through golf-cart bar in a bat-filled cave on top of a mountain, we don't know about it.
Weston, Missouri

O'Malley's Pub

The oldest bar in Missouri is hidden within a limestone brewery cellar more than 50 feet underground.
Peach Springs, Arizona

Caverns Grotto

In a 345-million-year-old cave that's 200 feet underground, dinner awaits.
Baltimore, Maryland

Ministry of Brewing

An abandoned church gets a second life as a massive beer hall and event space.
St. Louis, Missouri

World's Largest Amoco Sign

This titanic oil company sign is a reminder of the Americana boom of the 1970s and also its commoditization.
St. Louis, Missouri

Grant's Farm

What was once a presidential estate is now an exotic menagerie and home to the Budweiser Clydesdales.
St. Louis, Missouri

City Museum

Less a museum than a bizarre fantasy world created by artists and engineers.
Madrid, Iowa

High Trestle Trail Bridge

A half-mile long and three stories high, this bridge over the Des Moines River Valley mimics a descent into a mine shaft.
Dyersville, Iowa

National Farm Toy Museum

The farm toy capital of the world hosts a museum filled with toy tractors dating back to the late 1800s.
Des Moines, Iowa

West End Architectural Salvage

Piled high inside this warehouse and coffee shop are salvaged goods that span every corner of the globe.
Ames, Iowa

Grant Wood Murals

The “American Gothic" artist's largest works hang in an Iowa State University library.
Mount Vernon, Iowa

American Gothic Barn

A hidden barn-sized rendition of Grant Wood's most famous, and most parodied, painting.
Ames, Iowa

Elwood, the World's Tallest Concrete Gnome

Beating out all other concrete competitors, this massive garden feature's pointy hat has earned it a world record.
Lemmon, South Dakota

Petrified Wood Park

An entire city block built completely out of petrified wood.
Lemmon, South Dakota

Kokomo Gallery

This sculpture gallery is home to magnificent beasts made of scrap metal and found objects.
Regent, North Dakota

Enchanted Highway Sculptures

One man's quest to save his town with a trail of record-breaking sculptures.
Des Moines, Iowa

Pappajohn Sculpture Park

Millions of dollars worth of sculpture decorate this Iowa city center.
St. Louis, Missouri


A late sculptor's last project was to turn this abandoned cement factory into a castle-themed amusement park.
St. Louis, Missouri

Venice Cafe

This mosaic-covered bar is brimming with curated curios.
St. Louis, Missouri

Whispering Arch at Union Station

Speak to a companion on the other side of the room loud and clear through this architectural anomaly.
Bovey, Minnesota

Marcell Experimental Forest

A futuristic climate change study is nestled deep within this public land.