LaraInClover's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Queens, New York

The Golden Shopping Mall

An easy to overlook storefront hides some of the most authentic and regionally diverse Chinese food in New York.
New York, New York

The Oldest Fence in New York

Built hundreds of years ago this downtown iron barrier once protected a much despised king.
New York, New York

Union Square Metronome

The most confusing clock in New York.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Island Museum

An oasis of calm amid the chaos of the boardwalk, the museum traces the heritage of this beloved beachside amusement park.
Cassadaga, New York

Lily Dale Spiritualist Community

Town full of spiritualists, some of whom are mediums, is still in full swing after 130 years.
Brooklyn, New York

The Carousel in Prospect Park

You can still ride this 100-year-old work of art in Brooklyn's largest public park.
Sleepy Hollow, New York

Kykuit, the Rockefeller Estate

The home of one of America's most wealthy industrialists is now a historic site that remembers a more decadent time in the country's history.
Syracuse, New York

Tree of 40 Fruit

A Frankenstein blend of science and art allows one tree to produce 40 different types of stone fruit.
Brooklyn, New York

Deno's Wonder Wheel

One of the most enjoyable bits of history at Coney Island and “the most romantic ride in the world.”
New York, New York

One Times Square

This historic address is home to the beloved ball and is an almost totally empty building among the most expensive real estate in the world.
Tomkins Cove, New York


Reclaimed by nature, the ruins of Doodletown, New York are remnants of a town consumed by a state park.
New York, New York

Toynbee Tiles

Cryptic messages embedded in the New York City sidewalk.
New York, New York

Statue of Liberty's Original Torch

Lady Liberty's first beacon of enlightenment is now displayed in a museum near the statue.
New York, New York

The Daily News Building Globe

Spinning silently in the lobby of an Art Deco masterwork is a massive vintage model of the Earth.
New York, New York

'Life Underground' Sculptures

An artist's cute bronze subway sculptures belie his violent artistic past.
New York, New York

New York Marble Cemetery

A hidden "place of interment for gentlemen."
Saugerties, New York

Opus 40

One man's swirling six-acre monument of stone.
New York, New York

Hamilton Grange

The only home that Alexander Hamilton ever owned has a history almost as troubled as his own.
New York, New York

Crabs of Cleopatra’s Needle

Curious crustaceans support an obelisk from ancient Egypt that now stands in modern-day Central Park.
Queens, New York

Surreal Elevator

Nondescript elevator doors open to reveal a stunning, surreal world.
Staten Island, New York

Nonnas of the World

A restaurant on Staten Island showcases a different grandmother’s cooking every night.
New York, New York

Fraunces Tavern

This Wall Street bar was once a hub of revolutionary activity where Washington famously bid farewell to his troops.
Queens, New York

Flushing Meadows-Corona Park

The remnants of two World's Fairs are here, complete with a 12-story globe, a mini-Manhattan, and a UFO-shaped pavilion.
Brooklyn, New York

House of Wax

Tucked in a nondescript downtown Brooklyn mall is a bar containing a remarkable turn of the century anatomical wax collection last seen in 1920s Berlin.