lgbaker's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hamilton, Ohio

Hollow Earth Monument

A memorial for an outsider theorist who believed that the planet is actually hollow.
Winamac, Indiana

World of Motorcycles Museum

A large collection of motorbikes with some impressive gems.
Versailles, Ohio

Annie Oakley's Grave

The final resting place of the most famous sharpshooter.
Greensburg, Indiana

Courthouse Tree

For over 100 years, this Indiana town has had a tree growing out the top of the local courthouse.
Greencastle, Indiana

Periodic Table Display

Display that gathers the basic elements of the universe in one convenient location.
Mentone, Indiana

Mentone Egg

A giant concrete egg marks this Indiana town as the "Egg Basket of the Midwest."
Franklin, Indiana

Camp Atterbury Prisoner of War Chapel

A chapel built by Italian POWs during World War II tells a forgotten tale of the war on the home front.
Wabash, Indiana

Modoc's Market

This shop is named for a runaway elephant who smashed through its doors, stole some peanuts, and spent five days on the lam.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Museum

This library and museum is dedicated to the life and literature of the Indianapolis native author.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Pogue's Run

This hidden stream beneath Indianapolis makes an appearance in the best-selling novel "Underground Airlines."
Alexandria, Indiana

World's Largest Ball of Paint

Covered in tens of thousands of coats of paint, this Indiana attraction holds a world record all its own.
Chicago, Illinois

Busy Beaver Button Co.

The world's only known button museum.
Chicago, Illinois

Merz Apothecary

An antiquated German apothecary on Chicago's North Side.
Chicago, Illinois

The Violet Hour

A speakeasy takes on Chicago's drinking culture.
Chicago, Illinois

National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame

Honoring Italian greats from Joe DiMaggio to Rocky Marciano.
Chicago, Illinois

Confederate Mound

The final resting place of up to 6,000 Confederate soldiers, the largest mass grave in the Western Hemisphere.
Chicago, Illinois

First-Class Relic of Padre Pio

A bloodstain from "the wound of the transverberation of the heart."
Chicago, Illinois

Rosehill Cemetery

Chicago's largest cemetery is full of beautiful Victorian monuments and more than a few ghost stories.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium

Chicago's North Park Village was once the largest municipal sanatorium in the country.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Hanging Garden

A suspended garden, now gone, once hung in the middle of this abandoned church.
Loveland, Ohio

Harry Andrews' Chateau Laroche

A castle built by an eccentric medieval enthusiast in rural Ohio.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Lucky Cat Museum

This collection of Japanese luck idols beckons visitors with over 2,000 waving paws.
Cincinnati, Ohio

American Sign Museum

Where beautiful signs live on forever.
Fountain City, Indiana

Levi Coffin House

This unassuming home was once “grand central station” for the Underground Railroad.