lizlacasse777's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Danbury, Connecticut

Danbury Railway Museum

This historic railway museum may have lost its passengers but not its love for trains.
Hartford, Connecticut

Statue of Rover

A tribute to the truly loyal dog who waited outside a hospital for his owner to come back.
Hartford, Connecticut

Cathedral of St. Joseph

This Connecticut chapel is a starkly modern, and surprisingly colorful, architectural rebel.
Bridgeport, Connecticut

P.T. Barnum Museum

A museum designed by and dedicated to P.T. Barnum in the town where he is buried.
New Haven, Connecticut

Louis' Lunch

While many places make the claim, the Library of Congress says this restaurant is the birthplace of the hamburger.
Stonington, Connecticut

Severed Arm of Saint Edmund

How did the right arm of a 13th-century English bishop wind up in a Connecticut church?
Xianyang, China

Chinese Pyramids of Xian

Enormous burial mounds of ancient emperors.
Newton, Massachusetts

Star Market

This supermarket is suspended 25 feet above an interstate highway.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Lampoon Building

The headquarters of one of the world’s longest-running humor magazines bears a noticeable resemblance to a head wearing a Prussian helmet.