macntosh77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Samuel Freeman House

This forgotten Frank Lloyd Wright house is an architectural marvel at the end of a sleepy residential street.
Los Angeles, California

Garden of Oz

Hidden in the hills of Hollywood, this secluded Oz-themed garden is dotted with dozens of thrones.
Los Angeles, California

Snow White Cafe

This Hollywood dive houses a mural painted by the artists who animated its namesake film.
Glendale, California

Tropico Post Office

Don't bother sending any mail to this ghost town.
Los Angeles, California

Fire Survivors of the Griffith Park Merry-Go-Round

Three vintage horses survived a 1976 inferno and found a home on a sister carousel.
Los Angeles, California

Hieroglyph Murals at the Egyptian Theatre

The decor of this Hollywood movie palace just barely predated the opening of King Tut's tomb.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Sculpture Garden

This collector's home is a constant work in progress.
Glendale, California

Vintage Arcade Superstore

This childhood throwback has hundreds of arcade games and pinball machines to transport you back in time.
Los Angeles, California

The Masque

The remains of the first punk club in L.A.
Los Angeles, California

Crossroads of the World

A few iconic structures are all that remain of America’s first outdoor shopping mall.
Los Angeles, California

Lummis Home ("El Alisal")

A castle that was built stone by stone by an eccentric journalist.
Los Angeles, California

No Vacancy

A prohibition-style speakeasy takes up residence in the last Victorian residence in Hollywood.
Los Angeles, California

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum

A look into the Church of Scientology's deeply unfavorable view of psychiatry.
Los Angeles, California

Self-Realization Fellowship Meditation Gardens

This peaceful garden is hidden on the grounds of a spiritual organization founded by a pioneer yogi.
Los Angeles, California

Capitol Records Building Morse Code

The blinking light atop the iconic landmark has been sending secret messages for decades.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Tower Apartments

This glamorous old building is said to have inspired the Tower of Terror.
Los Angeles, California

Los Angeles Fire Department Museum

Formerly Fire Station No. 27, the museum is a hidden gem in the heart of Hollywood.
Los Angeles, California

Heritage Square Museum

Beautiful Victorian buildings from L.A.'s forgotten architectural past.
Los Angeles, California

Chase Mosaic Movie Montages

This Chase branch is an homage to Old Hollywood.
Los Angeles, California

Gower Gulch

The mall's looks were inspired by the cowboy extras who used to meet up—and cause real trouble—at this Hollywood hub.
Los Angeles, California

The Many Plaques of Buster Keaton Studios

The silent film master's legacy commemorated in all the right and wrong places.
Los Angeles, California

Aetherius Society's American Headquarters

"Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament."
Los Angeles, California

Youngwood Court

Iconic Los Angeles residence famous for its 19 statues of Michelangelo's David.
Los Angeles, California

Dearly Departed Museum

A macabre tour of Hollywood’s deadly history.