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Halifax, Nova Scotia

McNab's Island

This Canadian island is a veritable garden of decay with countless abandoned structures dotting the landscape.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Face in the Window at St. Paul's Church

The profile of one ill-fated deacon was emblazoned forever on this church window during the Halifax explosion.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Halifax Explosion Memorial

The city of Halifax still bears the scars of the largest explosion prior to the atomic bomb.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Fairview Lawn Cemetery

The final resting place of 121 victims of the RMS Titanic, 42 of which may never be identified.
Québec City, Québec

The Murals of Quebec City

A contemporary fresco movement illustrates the region's rich history.
Laval, Québec

Laval Abandoned Drive-In

This haunted corpse of a drive-in is now a graffiti-covered ruin.
Havre-Aubert, Québec

Île d'Entrée (Entry Island)

A tiny, picturesque island, where cows and wild horses wander around the houses.
Rivière-aux-Outardes, Québec

Lake Manicouagan

A lake formed in the basin of a massive impact crater takes the shape of an unbroken ring when viewed from above.
Sainte-Flavie, Québec

Le Grand Rassemblement - The Grand Gathering

An ever-changing gathering of crude wooden figures haunts the St. Lawrence River.
Chelsea, Québec

Carbide Willson Ruins

The remains of a paranoid inventor's hidden workshop lie in beautiful ruins amidst a Canadian park.
Mulgrave-et-Derry, Québec

Wallingford-Back Mine

What was once the largest mine in North America has left behind a hollow hill filled with bright blue waters.
Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Jail Hostel

This inexpensive lodging house was once a prison notorious for its inhumane practices.