martinpooley68's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Bude, England
Places edited in Bude, England
Places visited in Isles of Scilly, England
Places edited in Katoomba, Australia
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Hampshire, England

Portuguese Fireplace

This unlikely memorial honors the Canadian and Portuguese laborers who felled trees for the Allies in World War I.
Minstead, England

The Rufus Stone

A stone, covered in metal, commemorating an event that happened somewhere else a thousand years ago.
Starcross, England

Starcross Engine House & Brunel’s Atmospheric Railway

Isambard Kingdom Brunel, one of the great Victorian engineers, was the driving force behind the short-lived atmospheric railway.
Exeter, England

Exeter's Underground Passages

These medieval tunnels provided water to the city above through centuries of civil war and plague.
Exeter, England

Parliament Street

At just 25 inches at its narrowest point, it's one of the tightest streets in the world.
London, England

The Fourth Plinth

Originally meant to hold a statue of King William IV, this support sat empty for years. Today, it hosts a rotating cast of public artwork.
Minions, England

The Hurlers

Cornish legend says these ancient circles were people turned to stone for playing hurling on a Sunday.
Cornwall, England

Church of St. Morwenna and St. John the Baptist

This ancient church, rebuilt at least 3 times, is flanked at all sides by history.
Westward Ho!, England

Westward Ho!

How did this lovely seaside English village come by such an unusual name?
Devon, England


An allegorical statue of a giant pregnant woman representing justice and truth.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
Clovelly, England

The Sledges of Clovelly

Wooden sleds have replaced donkeys to cart goods around this utterly charming car-free village.
Bude, England

Bude Castle

A quirky "castle" formerly belonging to a famous British inventor.
Isles of Scilly, England

Bishop Rock

At high tide, the base of the lighthouse covers practically every inch of the island.
London, England

The Tower Ravens

Six ravens are kept captive (but well-fed) at the Tower of London to prevent the fall of the Crown.
Edinburgh, Scotland

William Wallace and Robert the Bruce Statues

Overlooked by many, the two famous Scottish warriors guard the main gate of Edinburgh Castle.
Windsor, England

'The Queen' Locomotive

A replica of the steam engine that hauled Queen Victoria's Royal Train is on display at Windsor.
Thorpeness, England

House in the Clouds

Unusual British home built to disguise a water tower.
Ironbridge, England

The Iron Bridge

This bridge is the first to be made entirely from iron, but designed like it was still made of wood.
Cornwall, England

Hawker's Hut

A writer's tiny retreat built from salvaged shipwreck timbers.
Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Mussenden Temple

This Italian-style temple replica has been threatening to fall off the Irish coast for hundreds of years.
London, England

London Necropolis Railway Station

A closed London rail station created to cart away the dead still bears the marks of attempts to make it less morbid.
Ely, England

Octagon Tower

A remarkable medieval structure born from a 14th-century disaster.
Cambridge, England

Reality Checkpoint

An ordinary lamppost situated in the middle of Cambridge has an unusual moniker and history.