medeanswer's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pingtang County, China

The Eye of Heaven

The largest radio telescope in the world searches for extraterrestrial life from the remote limestone peaks of southern China.
Chongqing, China

Dazu Rock Carvings

Comprised of thousands of cave temple carvings this cornucopia of ancient Chinese stone art is unrivaled anywhere in the world.
Rikaze Diqu, Tibet

Rongbuk Monastery and Guesthouse

The highest monastery in the world operates a tiny guesthouse with doors open to all.
Beijing, China

Bai Gong Fang (100 Handicraftsmen Workshop)

A studio devoted to keeping hundreds of unique Chinese arts alive.
Harbin, China

Unit 731 Museum

An impactful museum ensures notorious war crimes disguised as "medical experimentation" won't soon be forgotten.
Zhangzhou, China

Fujian Tulou Cluster

Walled family complexes in Southern China.
Ordos, China


It seems that the residents of of this megalopolis suddenly vanished, but they were never actually there.
Pingdingshan Shi, China

Spring Temple Buddha

The largest statue in the world towers at 420 feet high atop another 66 feet of pedestal.
Beijing, China

Working People's Cultural Palace

This smaller cousin of the Forbidden City has gone from ancestral sacrifice to tourist's whispers.
Suzhou, China

Professor Dalin's Museum of Sex

9,000 years of carnal history is on display at China's original Museum of Sex.
Yichang, China


A cliff-hanging restaurant.
Hangzhou, China

Shi Cheng

China's very own Atlantis is an ornate dynastic city resting at the bottom of a lake.
Xianyang, China

Chinese Pyramids of Xian

Enormous burial mounds of ancient emperors.
Beijing, China

Beijing Ancient Observatory

This ancient Chinese observatory still contains early astronomy technology.
Jiuquan, China

Crescent Lake

A lush desert oasis in the shape of a narrow crescent.
Quzhou , China

Longyou Caves

Discovered after draining a local pond, these ancient man-made caves are still a complete mystery.
Weinan, China

Huashan Mountain

A harrowing trail up a mile-high mountain.
Qinhuangdao Shi, China

Old Dragon's Head

Where the Great Wall of China meets the sea.
Weinan, China

Huashan Temple

A sacred mountaintop temple offers a fine cup of tea to visitors who can survive the journey.
Zhangjiajie, China

Avatar Hallelujah Mountain

This vertical pinnacle in China was the inspiration for the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.”
Zhangjiajie, China

Tianmen Skywalk

For those with no fear of heights: a skywalk 4,700 feet up on a Chinese mountain.
Datong, China

Hanging Temple of Hengshan

A fifth-century temple improbably built into the side of a cliff.
Aba, China

Huanglong Travertine Pools

Intensely colorful calcite pools in Southern China.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Neon Museum

The neon signs from Las Vegas' past find their final resting place at this unusual graveyard.