meem3rdpower's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hudson, New Hampshire

Benson's Park

A former zoo turned public park, where visitors can hang out in the old animal cages.
Littleton, New Hampshire

Chutters Candy Store

According to the experts at the Guinness World's Record office, this is the longest candy counter in the world.
Manchester, New Hampshire

Cat Alley

One New Hampshire alleyway has become home to a public gallery of feline art.
Brookline, New Hampshire

Andres Institute of Art and Sculpture Garden

Around 100 sculptures from artists all over the world decorate the hiking trails surrounding this locale.
Laconia, New Hampshire

American Classic Arcade Museum

The largest arcade museum in the world chronicles the golden age of video games which ended promptly in 1987.
Salem, New Hampshire

Mystery Hill: America's Stonehenge

America's oldest archaeological site or a muddled case of wishful thinking.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

The Basin

Even Henry David Thoreau found this glacial pothole irresistible.
Hebron, New Hampshire

Sculptured Rocks

This narrow canyon has been carved by the river over thousands of years into spectacular and curious forms.
Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri's Castle

Ruins of the elaborate house where the enigmatic costume designer threw glamorous parties for New York's theatrical elite.
Pelham, New Hampshire

Pinball Wizard

Expertly restored pinball machines as far as the eye can see.
Manchester, New Hampshire

Ralph Baer Memorial

This riverfront statue honors the inventor of the first video games ever sold.
Bethlehem, New Hampshire

Yonder Mountain Nursery & Gardens

This small, unassuming, nursery plays hosts to some unique plant life.
Providence, Rhode Island

Haven Brothers Diner

From horses to stainless-steel trucks, this iconic Providence burger wagon is one of the oldest mobile diners in the country.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mount Moriah Cemetery

An abandoned cemetery lies in ruins as the surrounding forest swallows it whole.