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Chicago, Illinois

Former Home of MTV’s “The Real World Chicago"

Location of the Real World's disastrous, and protested, eleventh season.
Anna, Illinois

King Neptune Memorial

This simple gravestone remembers a pig who single-hoofedly raised $19,000,000 for the Navy.
Hillside, Illinois

The Italian Bride

Julia Buccola Petta's body was peculiarly well-preserved when it was exhumed six years after her death.
Springfield, Illinois

Abraham Lincoln's Receiving Vault

The original vault that held the president's remains still stands, empty, not far from where he was finally buried.
Oregon, Illinois

Black Hawk Statue

This monolithic statue was erected in honor of Chief Black Hawk (even if it wasn't made to look like him).
Carlinville, Illinois

Macoupin County Jail

Built in 1869, this now-retired structure looks more like a medieval fortress than a county lock-up.
Effingham, Illinois

America's Largest Cross

Known as the "Cross At The Crossroads," this massive metal cross is just short enough to avoid the FAA.
Lisle, Illinois

Four Columns at Morton Arboretum

A tribute to one granddaughter's old apartment which now represents the whims of each visitor.
Champaign, Illinois

Blue Waters Supercomputer

One of the most powerful computers in the world can be visited by anyone who wants to experience more computing than they can handle.
Geneva, Illinois

Illinois State Training School Cemetery

This cemetery is all that remains of a school for "wayward" girls.
Brookfield, Illinois

Brookfield Zoo's Sinclair Dinosaur

It was originally part of a "terrible lizards" collection at the 1964 New York World’s Fair.
Alton, Illinois

Piasa Bird

A mythical bird etched into the face of a rock doubles as the mascot for a nearby school.
Chicago, Illinois


This abstract sculpture is rumored to cast a hammer-and-sickle shadow once a year.
Collinsville, Illinois

Illinois Woodhenge

Fresh wooden posts have been added to ancient holes to recreate a primitive henge clock.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Water Cribs

These chunky stone towers out in Lake Michigan are the key to Chicago’s drinking water.
Chicago, Illinois

Lower Lower Wacker Drive

Illegal drag racing two stories beneath Chicago’s streets.
Lerna, Illinois

World's Fastest Pop Machine

The 40-year-old machine serves soda quicker than you can catch it for a mere 75 cents a pop.
Paris, Illinois

'Faerie Traces'

In a grove of fast growing walnut trees outside Paris, Illinois, a marker shares the story of a fictional road building culture.
Arcola, Illinois

Hippie Memorial

This folk art wall claims to be the world's one and only memorial to the bygone age of hippies.
Berwyn, Illinois

World's Largest Laundromat

The clothes-washing king doubles as a community center with some unusual features, including an aviary filled with finches.
Chicago, Illinois

Poetry Foundation Library

The 30,000-volume library is one of the world's most impressive poetry collections.
Chicago, Illinois

Chopin Theatre

Theater has had many different incarnations but has survived the ravages of time.
Gardner, Illinois

2 Celled Jail

This tiny historic jail along Route 66 is the perfect fit for exactly one criminal and their partner-in-crime.
Chester, Illinois

Popeye Character Trail

The hometown of Popeye's creator is littered with a growing collection of granite cartoon characters.