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Chicago, Illinois

Rosenberg Statue

A goddess-topped water fountain in Chicago was created thanks to the dreams of a thirsty newsboy.
Quincy, Illinois

Villa Kathrine

This Mediterranean castle was built for a millionaire and his giant dog.
East St. Louis, Illinois

Gateway Geyser

Man-made geyser that rises to the exact height of the Gateway Arch.
Kewanee, Illinois

Woodland Palace

The dream home of an iconoclastic renaissance man still stands as a monument to his domestically mundane vision.
Belknap, Illinois

Mermet Springs

Planes, trains, and automobiles have all been sunk as attractions at this Illinois diving spot.
Staunton, Illinois

Henry's Rabbit Ranch

This lagomorph-obsessed Route 66 emporium is home to a giant jackrabbit that sits in a bunny graveyard.
DeKalb, Illinois

The Egyptian Theatre

This architectural stunner is one of the few surviving Egyptian Revival theaters in the U.S.
Gays, Illinois

Two-Story Outhouse

This historic lavatory leftover features two levels of defecation stations completely without context.
Chicago, Illinois


A shining sculpture made of 3,115 lights, the number of visible stars in the Northern Hemisphere.
Woodstock, Illinois

George Stickney House

This softly rounded mansion was built without corners not to avoid evil spirits, but to make them more comfortable.
Carbondale, Illinois

Jeremy Rochman Memorial Park

In the loving memory of a tragically deceased role-player this Illinois park is decked out with both dungeons and dragons.
Chicago, Illinois

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Orthodox church partially financed by Tsar Nicolas II.
Chicago, Illinois

Couch Place (The Alley of Death)

This alley in downtown Chicago held the bodies of over 600 people after the fateful Iroquois Theatre fire.
Chicago, Illinois

S.S. Eastland Memorial

This memorial plaque remembers a strangely shallow maritime disaster known as "Chicago's Titanic."
Chicago, Illinois

'Nuclear Energy'

This bronze sculpture on a former squash court marks the secret origins of the Atomic Age.
Chicago, Illinois

Bubbly Creek

This cheerfully-named branch of the Chicago River is the fetid result of years of blood, entrails, and meatpacking waste.
Atlanta, Illinois

Paul Bunyon

While he no longer has an eatery to give him context, this off-brand Paul Bunyan still holds his giant hot dog with pride.
Chicago, Illinois

First-Class Relic of Padre Pio

A bloodstain from "the wound of the transverberation of the heart."
Lombard, Illinois

Lilacia Park

This botanical garden outside Chicago boasts an array of more than 300 varieties of lilacs.
Chicago, Illinois

Wicker Park

Once called the "Polish Gold Coast" it is an icon of the neighborhood that bears its same name.
Chicago, Illinois

Ida Crown Natatorium

An eccentric park and pool.
Chicago, Illinois

95th Street Bridge

This urban drawbridge gained eternal pop culture fame when the Blues Brothers jumped it while it was raised.
Maywood, Illinois

Underground Railroad Memorial at McDonald's

A plaque marks a former safe house on the secret route, now hidden next to a McDonald's.
Elsah, Illinois

The Mistake House

First known as the "Sample House," this construction mash-up was meant to be a living catalogue of building styles.