mhdevereux's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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New York, New York

Old City Hall Station

A beautiful and abandoned New York subway station from 1904, complete with chandelier.
Kinsale, Ireland

Ringfinnan Garden of Remembrance

This memorial was created by an Irish nurse who lived in New York City during 9/11.
Arbour Hill, Ireland

Arbour Hill Cemetery

The burial place of 14 of the executed leaders of the Easter Rising.
Béal na Bláth, Ireland

Michael Collins Ambush Memorial

A gated cross stands on the site where an Irish revolutionary met his end.
Glenreagh, Ireland

The Devil’s Bit

It's said this geological anomaly was caused when the Devil took a bite out of the Irish mountainside.
Galway City, Ireland

Fishery Watchtower Museum

Originally built to monitor fishing, this Victorian tower now educates visitors about the local salmon industry.
Sligo, Ireland

Grave of W. B. Yeats

This cemetery overlooking the Benbulben rock formation is the final resting place of one of Ireland's most beloved poets.
Dublin, Ireland

Fr. Pat Noise Memorial Plaque

A mysterious plaque to the even more mysterious "Fr. Pat Noise," killed in "suspicious circumstances."

The Autograph Tree

This Copper beech tree nestled on a nature reserve is host to a bevy of autographs from Irish literary icons.
County Donegal, Ireland

'Eire 80' Sign

This World War II relic let Allied pilots know they were entering neutral airspace.
Dublin, Ireland

Táin Bó Cúailnge Mosaic

This colorful and fiery mural depicts the Irish folk story of the beloved hero Cuchulain.
Dublin, Ireland

The Irish Elk Collection

These gigantic skeletons tower over visitors and provide insight into the creatures that once ruled over Ireland.
Kerry, Ireland

Telegraph Field Valentia Island

This beautiful site is where the first transatlantic telegraph was sent from.
Dublin, Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge

Dublin's most modern, visually spectacular bridge is modeled after Ireland's national emblem.
Wicklow, Ireland

Glencree German War Cemetery

Ireland's only German military cemetery holds the remains of a spy who was moved there under the cover of darkness.
Foynes, Ireland

Foynes Flying Boat Museum

The world's only flying boat museum honors a small Irish village that sent 20th-century aviation to new heights.
Mayo, Ireland

Addergoole Titanic Monument

This small Irish village suffered the greatest loss of life when the Titanic sank.
Kerry, Ireland

O'Shea's Pub

An abandoned faux-pub made famous by a Guinness commercial.
Kerry, Ireland

Saint Brendan’s Well

An ancient holy well said to be used by the patron saint of sailors and travelers, lost in the boggy west of Valentia Island.
Galway, Ireland

Landing Site of the First Transatlantic Flight

A strange egg in a mucky bog of western Ireland marks the spot of an aviation milestone.
Dublin, Ireland

Irish Jewish Museum

Catholics make up 84% of Ireland's population but this Dublin museum remembers the small but important Jewish community.
Dublin, Ireland

The Proclamation Sculpture

A particularly disconcerting tribute to Irish martyrs.
Dublin, Ireland

The Oscar Wilde House

The house where the writer spent his formative years.
Kilbrittain, Ireland

Kilbrittain Whale

The skeleton of a whale that beached itself in this Irish town is now on display in their public park.