miketravelling's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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London, England

Black Museum

Since 1874, this macabre collection has developed into a museum devoted to Scotland Yard's mementos of dastardly deeds.
London, England

Parliamentary Division Bells

A network of bells in the pubs and restaurants around Westminster alerts politicians when it's time to cast their votes.
Portsmouth, England

Lumps Fort aka Southsea Rose Garden

A picturesque garden with a surprising past.
Sandown, England

Dinosaur Isle

This purpose-built dinosaur museum is shaped like a pterodactyl and holds fossils that were found in its very village.
Sandown, England

National Poo Museum

This British museum hopes to take the taboo out of poo.
Shanklin, England

Shanklin Chine

This stream-carved gorge has inspired poets, hidden smugglers, and trained soldiers, all without losing its beauty.
Wroxall, England

Appuldurcombe House

This shell of a historic manor house on the Isle of Wight is said to be the most haunted site on the island.
Isle of Wight, England

Blackgang Chine

The UK's oldest theme park slowly slips away.
Newport, England

Carisbrooke Castle

The Last Home of an Executed King.
Seaview, England

No Man's Land

This foolish Victorian sea fort was converted to a deluxe hotel.
Lewes, England

Lewes Bonfire

Both church and state get put to the torch in this annual festival in the "Bonfire Capital of the World."
Lewes, England

The Lewes Avalanche Tablet

A stone plaque and a winking pub name are all that remain to remember the victims of deadly 1836 avalanche.
Hamsey, England

Hamsey Island Plague Church

Now isolated, this church was once the center of a bustling village that succumbed to the Black Death.
Brighton, England

The Chattri

This memorial to the thousands of Indian dead during WWI was callously used for target practice during WWII.
Brighton, England

Clayton Tunnel North Portal

This tunnel entrance is built to resemble a grand castle but no one is quite sure why.
Brighton, England

The Daddy Long Legs Seashore Railway

The remnants of a strange stilted building on rails can still be seen at low tide.
Brighton, England

Madeira Lift

Decrepit Victorian public lift is a white-knuckle ride.
Brighton, England

Brighton Beach Flint Grotto

One fisherman has used his love of pebbles and shore to create a crazy garden of rocky art.
Brighton, England

Remains of the Royal Suspension Chain Pier

Half-drowned wooden stumps and stone blocks are all that remain of a Victorian landing that was destroyed by storms.
Brighton, England

Brighton's Victorian Sewers

To literally keep their waste out of their own backyards, the citizens of this English city built an impressive sewer system that is still in use today.
Brighton, England

The Booth Museum of Natural History

The natural history museum displaying the British bird collections and dioramas of Edward Booth, free of charge.
Hove, England

The Goldstone

This craggy boulder is fabled to be either a druidic relic or Satan's stumbling block.
Shoreham-by-Sea, England

Houseboats of Shoreham

A motley, fantastical agglomeration of unlikely houseboats along the Shoreham-by-Sea riverbank.
Shoreham-by-Sea, England

Brighton City Airport

This tiny 1930s Art Deco airport is a beautiful remnant of a bygone era.