blessthismess's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Abiquiu, New Mexico
Places added to Long Beach, California
Places edited in Toledo, Ohio
Places visited in Washoe County, Nevada
Places visited in Oakland, California
Places edited in Long Beach, California
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No Name Lake

Unknown to many, this sparkling turquoise lake hides amid Oregon's snowcapped mountains.
Maupin, Oregon

White River Falls

An out-of-the-way state park in Oregon that features both a picturesque waterfall and the ruins of a hydropower plant.
Mitchell, Oregon

Painted Hills

Oregon's unexpected high desert, displaying layers of time in a colorful show.
John Day, Oregon

Kam Wah Chung & Co. Museum

This perfectly preserved Chinese medicine shop was untouched for decades before being reopened as a museum.
Mexico City, Mexico

Soumaya Museum

66,000 pieces of art, donated by one of the world's richest men.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.
Toledo, Ohio

Jimmy Carter's Hot Dog Bun

This restaurant proudly displays bread signed by the 39th president.
Portland, Oregon

Paxton Gate PDX

Entering this curiosity shop is like stepping into a mad scientist's lab.
Portland, Oregon

Voodoo Doughnut and Wedding Chapel

The magic's in the hole!
Portland, Oregon

Cathedral Park

A heavenly experience, right here on Terra Firma.
Portland, Oregon

The Freakybuttrue Peculiarium

An emporium for the weird, creepy, rare, and just plain gross.
Redmond, Oregon

Petersen Rock Garden

Bridges, terraces, and replicas of historic structures all built of rock and petrified wood by one man.
Terrebonne, Oregon

Smith Rock State Park

Spectacular volcanic cliffs along the Crooked River invite hiking, rock climbing, and photography.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Portland, Oregon

Hollywood Theater

At this airport "microcinema," you can catch a film before you catch a flight.
Portland, Oregon

Hollywood Theatre

This theatre and its amazing marquee harken back to the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Portland, Oregon

Hippo Hardware

No two pieces are exactly the same at Portland's hippo-themed hardware store.
Portland, Oregon

Pittock Mansion

This sandstone mansion was the home of two of Oregon's most important pioneers.
Portland, Oregon


Portlandia is the second-largest copper repoussé statue in the United States.
Portland, Oregon

Portland Horse Rings

Tiny horses tethered to antique rings are scattered around the city.
Portland, Oregon

The Grotto

A beautiful 62-acre Catholic shrine and botanical garden.
Portland, Oregon

The Witch's Castle

These old stone ruins in the Oregon wilderness were once bathrooms and are steeped in legends of murder.
Oakland, California

'Women of the Black Panther Party'

The first mural ever dedicated to the women of the Black Panther Party.
San Francisco, California

Swedenborgian Church

The rustic cabin-like decor of this Arts and Crafts-style church reflects the love of nature central to its little-known theology.