Mothmans Spouse's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fairbanks, Alaska

Permafrost Tunnel

This frozen tunnel in central Alaska is both an engineering feat and a valuable climate classroom.
Yakutat, Alaska

Guyot Glacier Ice Caves

Gorgeous cave resemble a winter wonderland.
Chitina, Alaska

Kennicott Ghost Town

The ghostly remains of what was once the world's richest copper mine.
Juneau, Alaska

The Upside-Down Forest of Glacier Gardens

Upside-down trees serve as natural flower pots in this hanging garden of Alaska.
Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska


The king of U.S. high points towers over every other peak on the continent.
Fairbanks, Alaska

Aurora Ice Museum

Mind-blowing carvings and fantasy ice scenes grace the largest year-round ice environment in the world.
Juneau, Alaska

Mendenhall Ice Caves

Breathtakingly blue walls shimmer inside the "Glacier Behind the Town."
Talkeetna, Alaska

Dr. Seuss House aka The Goose Creek Tower

This whimsical stacked cabin looks like something out of a children's book.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

General Sickles's Wound Marker

This monument marks the beginning journey of a wounded soldier's leg that ended up almost two states away.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Jennie Wade House

Home of the only civilian casualty at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Bumblebee Beach

A private residence adorned with a gorgeous mural dedicated to the buzzing insect.
Columbus, Ohio

Gavel Sculpture

Just outside the Ohio Supreme Court sits a testament to justice.
Lisbon, Maine

Moxie Museum

Tucked away in a corner of a Maine general store there was a museum devoted to an equally beloved and reviled local soft drink.
Rockland, Maine

The Center for Science, Leadership & Marine Research

On Hurricane Island, a former ghost town has been transformed into a forward-thinking research center.
Biddeford, Maine

One Blue Sky Mural

A mural of a boy making a phone call connects a southern Maine community to a town in Iraq.
Rumford, Maine

Grand Derangement Memorial

Plaque remembering the 18th century forced relocation of Acadians.
Norway, Maine

Weary Club

This 90-year-old building is home to possibly the most New Englandy social club in existence.
Owls Head, Maine

Owls Head Transportation Museum

Every plane, auto, and bicycle in this collection is kept in working order and are regularly demonstrated to the public.
Bucksport, Maine

Northeast Historic Film

A restored historic movie theater is the perfect place for a regional film archive.
Ellsworth, Maine

Telephone Museum

As communication goes completely wireless, this Maine museum remembers all the wires that got us to this point.
Bar Harbor, Maine

Dorr Museum of Natural History

A charming museum of natural history featuring dioramas and exhibits made entirely by college students.
Scarborough, Maine

Lenny the Chocolate Moose

This 1,700-pound edible sculpture is way better than your average chocolate mousse.
Jonesport, Maine

Maine Central Model Railroad

An elderly widow still operates the incredibly detailed model railroad she and her husband built by hand.
Houlton, Maine

Maine Solar System Model

This massive solar system model is sprawled out across Maine's suburban wilderness.