mroshak's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Llanberis, Wales

Dolbadarn Castle Ruins

The stately remains of Llywelyn the Great's mighty fortress.
Dunbar, Scotland

Belhaven Bridge

At high tide this strange footbridge appears to have no purpose whatsoever.
Pembrokeshire, Wales

St. Govan's Chapel

A hermit's tiny cell built into the cliffside that saved him in South Pembrokeshire.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Quiraing

Islanders once used this dramatic, otherworldly landscape to hide their cattle from Viking raiders.
Glenfinnan, Scotland

Glenfinnan Viaduct

Now famous as the "Harry Potter bridge," this impressive concrete viaduct has long been an icon in its own right.
Ballintoy, Northern Ireland

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

This short bridge is the only thing connecting a tiny Irish island to the mainland.
Mow Cop, England

Mow Cop Castle

This crumbling folly looks like an enchanted left over from Middle Earth.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Rooftop Terrace at the National Museum of Scotland

There are plenty of wonderful panoramic vistas in Edinburgh, but not many are hidden smack in the middle of the Old Town.
Staffordshire, England

Lud's Church

This haunting stone chasm is a hotbed of mossy rock and English legend.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Hirta Island Ghost Town

The last inhabitants of one of the U.K.'s most remote islands were evacuated in 1930.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Old Man of Storr

An ancient Scottish rock formation said to be the gravesite of a giant remains ensconced in legend and intrigue.
Largs, Scotland

Kelburn Castle

This stately estate house features a tower covered in a bright, modern mural.
North Yorkshire, England

Fountains Abbey

One of the oldest and certainly best preserved Cistercian abbeys still in existence.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Cramond Ghost Island

Accessible only at low tide, the deserted island is dotted with World War II ruins.
Orkney, Scotland

Ring of Brodgar

The true age of this ancient stone circle is unknown, but its stunning vista isn't in question.
Llangennith, Wales

Worm's Head Tidal Island

A rocky sea serpent hides caves, blowholes, and a spectacular natural bridge.
Highland, Scotland

Ben Nevis

The highest peak in the United Kingdom has a history of physics, specters, and a pilgrimage of strange objects.
Gwynedd, Wales

Llechwedd Caverns Trampoline Park

A subterranean playground in an abandoned slate mine.
North Berwick, Scotland

Ruins of Tantallon Castle

The one-time stronghold of the noble Douglas family, now home to ghost sightings and nesting birds.
Stonehaven, Scotland

Dunnottar Castle

The ruins of this gorgeous clifftop castle look like something from a fantasy novel.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kilt Rock and Mealt Falls

Ancient cliffs resembling a kilt on Scotland's second largest island emit an entrancing sound.
Cornwall, England

The Eden Project

The largest greenhouse in the world is home to over one million types of plants.
Whitby, England

Ruins of Whitby Abbey

The gloomy ruins that inspired Bram Stoker to bring Dracula to life.