mrsdemon's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sweetwater, Tennessee

Lost Sea

Enormous lake at the bottom of a unique cave system.
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee

Lookout Mountain Incline Railway

This funicular railway rumbles along for a mile up the nearly vertical face of Chattanooga’s Lookout Mountain.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Ruby Falls

The mysterious wonder of an underground waterfall is illuminated by multicolored lights.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel

This historic train station has been converted to a locomotive themed hotel.
Lookout Mountain, Georgia

Rock City

A bizarre roadside attraction and the first instance of miniature golf in the world.
Memphis, Tennessee

Isaac Hayes's Gold-Plated Cadillac

The bad-ass ride of a soul legend, housed in one of the world's few soul museums.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Walnut Street Bridge

Once decrepit and slated for demolition, now one of the longest pedestrian bridges in the world.
Memphis, Tennessee

Peabody Hotel Duck March

Every day a troupe of pampered water fowl walk the red carpet to their favorite fountain.
San Francisco, California

Long Now Orrery

A modern mechanical planetary system, part of a 10,000 year clock.
San Francisco, California

Lotta's Fountain

San Francisco's oldest surviving monument and meeting place for 1906 survivors.
Sausalito, California

The Bay Model

A working model of the entire San Francisco Bay and much of the Sacramento River Delta, complete with regular tides that change every 14 minutes.
Phillipsville, California

Hobbiton, USA

A crumbling wizard is one of the final reminders of a roadside Middle Earth.
St. Louis, Missouri

Lemp Mansion

A historic house in St. Louis was plagued by a series of suicides committed by family members involved in a successful brewery.
St. Louis, Missouri

Bellefontaine Cemetery

The first rural cemetery west of the Mississippi is home to the elaborate tombs of St. Louis' local beer barons.
Kansas City, Missouri

Union Station Lamp Post Clock

This recently restored timepiece has stood all around Kansas City.
St. Louis, Missouri

The Girl in the Shadow Box

One man's unrequited love stands in a glass box forever.
St. Louis, Missouri

World's Largest Amoco Sign

This titanic oil company sign is a reminder of the Americana boom of the 1970s and also its commoditization.
St. Louis, Missouri

Compton Hill Water Tower

One of few surviving standpipe water towers in the U.S.
St. Louis, Missouri

1904 World's Fair Flight Cage

What was meant to be a temporary exhibit is now a permanent fixture at the St. Louis Zoo filled with beautiful birds.
St. Louis, Missouri

Old St. Louis County Courthouse

The Old Courthouse takes visitors on a captivating trip through St. Louis' timeline.
St. Louis, Missouri

World Chess Hall of Fame

A chessmaster's dream destination.
St. Louis, Missouri

The Magic House

The Magic House provides a beautiful and creative environment for curious youngsters to get their knowledge on.
Mansfield, Missouri

Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home & Museum

Where the author wrote her beloved "Little House" books.
St. Louis, Missouri

Whispering Arch at Union Station

Speak to a companion on the other side of the room loud and clear through this architectural anomaly.