myhopeishim's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Birmingham, Alabama

Heaviest Corner on Earth

In 1911 this intersection was called "the heaviest corner in the South," an outlandish claim that only grew wilder over the years.
Melbourne, Australia

Captain Cook's Cottage

The 18th-century home was disassembled into 253 cases and brought all the way from the other side of the world.
Hyams Beach, Australia

Hyams Beach

The sand is such a bright white that on sunny days you practically need sunglasses to look at the ground.
Mount Barry, Australia

Dingo Fence

The longest fence in the world stretches over 3,000 miles to keep the dingoes out.
Dadswells Bridge, Australia

The Giant Koala

Popular tourist destination now stands as a memorial to Sam the koala.
Sydney, Australia

Purikura Photoland

People can't get enough of these adorable Japanese photobooths.
Broken Hill, Australia

Broken Hill Sculpture Symposium

Twelve sculptures designed to make their best showing with the coming or going of the sun.
Lord Howe Island, Australia

Lord Howe Island's Time

In a strange timezone anomaly, Daylight Saving Time here sets the clocks forward just 30 minutes.
Bicheno, Australia

Bicheno Blowhole

Granite rocks that concentrate waves into powerful jets.
Magnetic Island, Australia

Magnetic Island

After much poking and prodding, this island is decidedly not a magnetic anomaly, but it sure is pretty.
Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne GlowGolf Docklands

Putt your way around Australia in a black light environment.
Hamelin Pool, Australia

The Stromatolites of Hamelin Pool

Living fossils in this remote Australian bay provide a glimpse of what Earth may have looked like 3.5 billion years ago.
Ventnor, Australia

Penguin Parade At Phillip Island

An unphotographable nightly march of tens of thousands of "fairy penguins" from sea to shore.
Davenport, Australia

Devil's Marbles

Clusters of huge boulders in the Australian Outback.
Francois Peron National Park, Australia

Shell Beach

This Australian beach is composed of tiny shells.
Ansons Bay, Australia

Bay of Fires

Aqua white sand highlighted with fiery red rocks.
Pekina, Australia

Magnetic Hill

When you get to Magnetic Hill park near the sign, put your vehicle in neutral gear, and watch it roll uphill...
Styx, Australia

Styx Valley Forest

Rainforest filled with record-holding eucalyptus.
South Mount Cameron, Australia

Little Blue Lake

A beautiful, but toxic, lake formed by mining.
Princetown, Australia

The Twelve Apostles

Nine limestone rock stacks on Australia's "Shipwreck Coast."
Wellington Mill, Australia


Thousands of lawn gnomes have infested this Australian roundabout.
Mount Colah, Australia

Ancient Aboriginal Astronomy

An ancient rock engraving shows Aboriginals used their advanced knowledge of the stars to hunt and gather.
Arumpo, Australia

Mungo National Park

Prehistoric park filled with the fossils of dozens of extinct species including Australian megafauna.
East Warburton, Australia

Redwood Forest Tree Art

Woven tree art gives this towering Australian woodland a touch of mystical whimsy.