nikkilou4's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Atlanta, Georgia

Junkman's Daughter

This massive store is home to an eccentric collection of vintage, retro, and peculiar goods.
Atlanta, Georgia

Doll's Head Trail

Just a few miles from downtown Atlanta is a trail covered in a crazy collection of outsider art.
Kansas City, Missouri

The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures

The world's largest collection of fine-scale miniatures and one the nation's largest collections of antique toys.
Kansas City, Missouri

Bird's Botanicals

A cave 150 feet beneath Kansas City is the perfect climate for growing 10,000 delicate orchids.
Kansas City, Missouri


The "World's Largest Underground Business Complex," a 55,000,000-square-foot city underneath Missouri.
Joliet, Illinois

Joliet Correctional Center

A historic and oft-filmed prison stands in a Chicago suburb.
Livingston, Illinois

Pink Elephant Antique Mall

Oversized statues are just the tip of this nostalgic Americana roadside attraction.
Wilmington, Illinois

Gemini Giant

This historic Illinois "Muffler Man" has been converted from axe-touting lumberjack to rocket-wielding space ace.
Essex, Illinois

Jack Barker's Metal Art Sculpture Garden

Moving, mind-blowing metal sculpture work of an outsider artist.
Casey, Illinois

World Records of Casey, Illinois

The world's largest collection of the world's largest objects is in one small Illinois town.
Chicago, Illinois

Championship Vinyl in "High Fidelity"

Where Cusack's record store from the film "High Fidelity" was located.
Lincolnshire, Illinois

Par-King Skill Golf

This sprawling mini-golf empire is an impressive testament to a disappearing attraction.
Joliet, Illinois

Joliet Iron and Steel Works (Joliet Iron Works Park)

What was once the second largest steel mill in the US is now a sprawling complex of modern ruins.
University Park, Illinois

Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park

A sprawling outdoor museum filled with larger-than-life works of art.
St. Louis, Missouri

Turtle Playground

This is not your typical jungle gym.
Sparta, Wisconsin

Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum

Small-town museum dedicated to outer space ... and bicycles.
Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Kovac Planetarium

One extremely determined man's homemade universe.
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Mr. Marvel's Wondertorium

A museum of the dime museum that features weird entertainments of yesteryear, from feejee mermaids to flea circuses.
Plainfield, Wisconsin

Grave of Ed Gein

Eternal resting place of the grave robber and murderer who served as inspiration for many of cinema’s famous madmen.
Sparta, Wisconsin

Wegner Grotto

Homemade outdoor church and sculpture garden decorated with glass shards.
Madison, Wisconsin

Dead Pals of Sam Sanfillippo

Amateur taxidermy museum known for its large collection of white squirrels.
Chicago, Illinois

Woolly Mammoth Antiques and Oddities

This morbid, delightful curiosity shop offers everything from animal bones to human teeth.
Brookfield, Illinois

Galloping Ghost Arcade

What may be America's largest classic video game arcade lurks inconspicuously in a Chicago suburb.
Lombard, Illinois

Lilacia Park

This botanical garden outside Chicago boasts an array of more than 300 varieties of lilacs.