noosky's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Afar Zone 2, Ethiopia

Erta Ale

Ethiopia's "smoking mountain" is in one of the hottest regions on the planet and is home to two lava lakes.
Afar Zone 1, Ethiopia

The Afar Rift

An ocean in the making, in the Ethiopian desert.
Fujinomiya-shi, Japan

Aokigahara Forest

A beautiful, dense forest in the shadow of Mount Fuji, with a tragic reputation.
Berkeley, California

East Bay Vivarium

An amazing collection of fantastic reptiles, amphibians, spiders, and insects.
Mitaka, Japan

Ghibli Museum

A magical place that lets you play in and explore the world of Studio Ghibli.
Athens, Georgia

The Tree That Owns Itself

A white oak with property rights.
Roswell, New Mexico

International UFO Museum and Research Center

A museum dedicated to the alleged Roswell Incident.
Culver City, California

The Museum of Jurassic Technology

A modern day curiosity cabinet.

The Gates of Hell

A fiery crater has been burning in the Karakum Desert since 1971.
Stromboli, Italy

Stromboli Island

A volcanic old faithful, Stromboli has been erupting continuously for the last 2000 years.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
Bati, Cambodia

Pangolin Rehabilitation Center

Dedicated to improving the plight of the rare scaly anteater.
Toronto, Ontario

The Monkey's Paw

A book collector's dream, this Toronto bookstore has the world's first "Biblio-Mat," a random book vending machine.