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Navajas, Spain

Salto de la Novia

Translating as "The Jump of the Girlfriend," this stunning waterfall has a tragic legend behind it.
Corbera d'Ebre, Spain

Poble Vell de Corbera d'Ebre (Corbera d'Ebre Old Town)

The ruins of a bombed medieval village memorialize the destruction of the Spanish Civil War.
Margalef, Spain


An isolated village literally built into the crevices and rock formations of a mountain.
Cambrils, Spain

Parc Samà

This magical space partly designed by Antoni Gaudi is one of the best examples of romantic gardening in the Mediterranean.
Sant Pere de Ribes, Spain

Autódromo de Sitges-Terramar

This abandoned racetrack looks like it is set to hold competitions in the apocalypse.
Castrillo Mota de Judíos, Spain

Castrillo Mota de Judíos

The tiny Spanish village that long refused to change its outrageously anti-Semitic name.
Palencia, Spain

Cristo del Otero

The gaunt visage of this angular Christ giant is enough to put the fear of God into all who see it.
Wamba, Spain

Wamba Ossuary

One of the largest ossuaries in Spain is packed from floor to ceiling with bones.
Segovia, Spain

Alcázar de Segovia

This magnificent castle grew from a small Moorish fortress, and reportedly inspired two iconic Disney castles.
Segovia, Spain

The Coining House

The first mechanized factory in Spain is also one of the most significant mints in the history of money.
Rascafría, Spain

Peñalara National Park

A breathtaking and biodiverse wilderness in the mountain setting of Ernest Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
Manzanares el Real, Spain

The Ibex of La Pedriza

This species of wild goat stars in witchy legends and frolics among the park's eerie rock formations.
Manzanares el Real, Spain

Manzanares el Real Castle

A magnificent, long-abandoned castle built in the wake of the reconquest of Spain.
Guadarrama, Spain

Civil War Bunkers of Alto del León

These Bullet-scarred bunkers are haunting reminders of the Spanish Civil War.
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain

Valley of the Fallen

This underground church is topped with a 500-foot cross that is seen by many as a beacon of fascist hubris.
Ávila, Spain

Medieval Walls of Ávila

These magnificent city walls rise from the barren sun-baked Spanish plains like something straight out of a fairytale.
San Martín de Montalbán, Spain

Santa María de Melque

This ancient Visigothic church might hide an ancient treasure.
Villar del Pozo, Spain

Ciudad Real Central Airport

An abandoned airport in the middle of nowhere.
Consuegra, Spain

Consuegra Windmills

This line of 12 tower mills described in the story of Don Quixote is among the most iconic landscapes in Spain.
Portugalete, Spain

Vizcaya Bridge

Two towns are linked by an engineering marvel masquerading as a boring suspension bridge.
Aranda de Duero, Spain

Bodegas of Aranda de Duero

A network of hundreds of interconnected wineries in caves hides under the town center.
Gormaz, Spain

Castle of Gormaz

This Arab fortress was once the largest citadel in Western Europe.
Montejo de Tiermes, Spain


The ruins of an ancient Celtiberian town with incredible rock-cut buildings and a Roman aqueduct.
Tamajón, Spain

Enchanted City of Tamajón

Whimsical sculptures and caves chiseled by nature over the millennia.