Oxleymoron's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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County Durham, England


An iconic waterwheel in the Pennine Hills marks the location of one of Britain’s most profitable lead mines.
Allendale Town, England

Neil Cole's Adventures in Science Fiction: Museum of Sci-fi

Aliens and monsters lurk inside this museum dedicated to one man's lifelong adoration of all things sci-fi.
Sunderland, England

'Shadows in Another Light'

This steel sculpture made from a recycled crane towers above a former shipyard.
Monkwearmouth, England

Steel Men Of Wearside

This tribute to Sunderland's mining past stands outside the home of its football club.
Spanish Battery, England

Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade Watch House Museum

A collection of maritime artifacts from the world's first volunteer life brigade.
Harmby, England

Harmby Waterfall

A small waterfall tucked away in the forest of Harmby Gill.
North Yorkshire, England

Tennants Auction House

This remarkable building has a lot to offer, even if you're not placing a bid.
Smardale, England

Smardale Gill Viaduct

A spectacular disused railway viaduct in a beautiful countryside nature reserve.
Northumberland, England

The Cement Menagerie

A father's love for his son has weathered the test of time in this whimsical garden of outsider art.
Northumberland, England

St. Nicholas Church House

Decaying 18th-century church converted to a single-family home.
Richmond, England

Tan Hill Inn

At 1,732 feet above sea level, this spectacularly isolated yet surprisingly bustling bar is the highest pub in Britain.
Bamburgh, England

Teak Ceiling at Bamburgh Castle

The medieval-looking hammer beam teak roof may be a Victorian vanity, but it's still absolutely magnificent.
Bamburgh, England

Grace Darling Museum

This museum honors the young maritime hero who became an unexpected Victorian-era celebrity.
Hartlepool, England

Andy Capp Statue

This sculpture honors a long-beloved English comic strip in the main character's hometown.
County Durham, England

Egglestone Abbey

A little-known ruin with a convoluted history and a fascinating latrine drainage system.
Barnard Castle, England

The Butter Market

This building was once a town hall, a fire station, a prison, a dairy market, and the target for two marksmen.
Hartlepool, England

Hartlepool Monkey Memorial

The legend of a monkey that was hanged as a spy has inspired not only a football team name, but a successful mayoral campaign.
Hartlepool, England

Steetley Magnesite

Derelict chemical plant on the North Sea is a beautiful industrial ruin.
Gainford, England

Gainford Spa

This hidden natural fountain issues forth a steady supply of supposedly healing water that tastes like rotten eggs.
Alnwick, England

Alnwick Castle

This iconic 1,000-year-old medieval castle is a favorite of the film industry, most notably as the location for Hogwarts in Harry Potter.
Alnwick, England

Barter Books

This enormous secondhand bookstore inside a Victorian train station sparked the "Keep Calm and Carry On" craze.
Forest-in-Teesdale, England

High Force and Low Force Waterfalls

These remarkable cascades are the jewels of Upper Tees.
Shildon, England

Winston Churchill's Funeral Train

The train that took the prime minister on his final journey now rests in a British museum.
Copley, England

Copley Chimney

This industrial chimney looks rather out of place, isolated in the middle of an attractive woodland.