patnath's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cork, Ireland

'Kindred Spirits' Sculpture

A tribute to the incredible generosity the Choctaw Nation showed the Irish people during the Great Famine.
Kerry, Ireland

Tetrapod Trackway

Petrified footprints of one of the very first vertebrates to walk on land.
Dublin, Ireland

The Joker's Chair

This courtly monument celebrates an influential comedian who turned taking the piss out of the powers-that-be into an art.
Kerry, Ireland

Fahan Beehive Huts

Ireland's most remarkable collection of these curious cone-shaped houses is worth the buzz.
Dublin, Ireland

Freemasons' Hall

The Grand Lodge of Ireland is one of the oldest in the world, full of fantastical, elaborately themed rooms.
Carlingford, Ireland

Sliabh Foy Loop Trail

The home of Ireland's last leprechauns is officially protected by the European Union.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Kilmogue Portal Tomb

Huge standing stones mark a site of megalithic mystery.
Kerry, Ireland

Gallarus Oratory

This single room has survived the centuries with almost no deterioration.
Dublin, Ireland


Experience what life was like in Ireland during the Viking and medieval ages.
Leixlip, Ireland

The Wonderful Barn

A corkscrew-shaped barn in Ireland.
Dublin, Ireland

Oddities of Christ Church Cathedral

The mummified heart of a saint lives on in this church—after a brief hiatus when it was stolen.
Dublin, Ireland

Oratory of the Sacred Heart

A nun spent 16 years painting the stunning Celtic mural that covers the interior of this WWI memorial.
Meath, Ireland

Mound of the Hostages

An ancient neolithic tomb that only sees the sun twice a year.
Galway, Ireland

Fiddaun Castle

A remarkably intact castle that once was the largest in Ireland.
Galway, Ireland

Abandoned Menlo Castle

A moody and picturesque riverside ruin overgrown with vegetation.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Kyteler's Inn

The oldest inn in Kilkenny was established by the first convicted witch in Ireland.
Dublin, Ireland

Natural History building, National Museum of Ireland

Dublin's "Dead Zoo" serves as a window to Victorian museum design.
Dublin, Ireland

Saint Audoen's Gate

The enchanting archway is the only surviving portal into Dublin's lost medieval wall.
Athlone, Ireland

Sean's Bar

The oldest pub in Ireland may also be the oldest surviving bar in the entire world.
Rosscarbery, Ireland

Drombeg Stone Circle

One of the most popular megalithic sites in Ireland stands as a humbler version of Stonehenge.
Galway, Ireland

Brigit's Celtic Garden

The world of the ancient Celtic civilization explained through a bewitching 11 acre garden.
Dowth, Ireland


The ancient tomb acts as a calendar that keeps perfect time.
Kerry, Ireland

Skellig Michael

Perfectly preserved ancient monastery in an impossibly dramatic location on a rocky island in the Atlantic.
Stowe, Vermont

Mount Mansfield

The highest peak in the state of Vermont has some interesting features.