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Places visited in Montserrat
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Key West, Florida

Hemingway's Last Penny

An idyllic swimming pool tells the tale of Hemingway's trouble with women.
Key West, Florida

Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum

The former home of the Nobel Prize-winning American writer is now home to dozens of six-toed cats.
Key West, Florida

Southernmost Point of the Continental U.S.

A monument celebrating the idea of reaching inaccessible places.
Havana, Cuba

Finca Vigía

The house that birthed The Old Man and The Sea is now a museum devoted to the old man who wrote it.
Havana, Cuba


Castro's communist ice cream mothership has been serving five-scoop "salads" for over 50 years.
Havana, Cuba

John Lennon Statue

His music once banned in Communist Cuba, John Lennon is now immortalized in bronze by Castro, who considers Lennon a "fellow dreamer."
Spanish Town, British Virgin Islands

The Baths

This huge pile of volcanic boulders hides a stunning network of secret grottoes.
Culebra, Puerto Rico

The Tanks of Flamenco Beach

Rusting, graffiti-covered tanks litter the beach of this island, once used by the U.S. military for target practice.
St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

Point Udall

A sharply wedged sundial marks the point at which each day in the United States begins.
Woodlands, Montserrat

Runaway Ghaut

Legend says those who drink from this trickle of water are destined to return to Montserrat.

AIR Studio Ruins

George Martin's Caribbean recording studio now rots within the shadow of an active volcano.
Saint Peter's, Montserrat

Montserrat's City of Ash

A city continually buried under the ash of a volcano that has been erupting for more than 15 years.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Chichen Itza Chirp

Clap your hands at the base of the pyramid, and the song of a sacred Mayan bird will echo through the air.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza

Every equinox this Maya pyramid puts on a spooky ancient light show.

Kick 'Em Jenny

A violent name for a violent volcano.
Saint George's, Grenada

Jason de Caires Taylor's Underwater Sculpture Garden

A gallery of underwater art that can be visited by man and fish alike.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Moonhole Homes

These eclectic homes nestled into the cliffs of a Caribbean island were built entirely from scavenged materials.
Clifton, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Happy Island

Starting with nothing more than discarded conch shells, one man has built an island/bar that would make Jimmy Buffet jealous.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Incarnation

Built in 1512, the oldest cathedral in the Americas.
Santa Clara, Cuba

Che Guevara Mausoleum

This imposing memorial contains the remains of Che Guevara — and 29 other guerrillas who died with him in Bolivia.
Havana, Cuba

Viaje Fantástico

No one knows the meaning behind this giant sculpture of a nude woman with a fork riding a rooster in Havana.
Havana, Cuba

Bacardi Building

After the Cuban Revolution, the famous rum company had to leave their swanky headquarters behind.
Havana, Cuba

Hotel Nacional de Cuba

Once a favorite playground for the world's most illustrious guests, Hotel Nacional's secret weapons and bunkers reveal a more menacing side to its golden history.
Havana, Cuba

La Plaza de la Revolución

A focal point of the Cuban government, this city square features one of the most iconic images in the country.