pdfrench19's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Alnwick, England

The Treehouse Restaurant at Alnwick Gardens

This giant wooden treehouse within a sprawling garden has its own eatery.
Salem, Massachusetts

The Witch House of Salem

The only structure left with direct ties to the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial

America's smallest national park site is the former residence of exiled Polish national hero Thaddeus Kosciuszko.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philadelphia City Hall

This elaborate towering structure was once famed for its revolutionary height.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fort Mifflin

This little-known Revolutionary War fort is supposedly haunted by the ghosts of its past.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Elfreth's Alley

This charming colonial alleyway is one of the oldest continuously used residential streets in the U.S.
Mill Run, Pennsylvania


Frank Lloyd Wright's most iconic home dangles over a Pennsylvania waterfall.
Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania

The Sonorous Stones of Ringing Rocks Park

Mysterious rocks that ring musically when struck.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

The Old Man of Storr

An ancient Scottish rock formation said to be the gravesite of a giant remains ensconced in legend and intrigue.

Checkerboard Mesa

The unusual patterns in this rock formation result from two distinct modes of weathering.
Bloomfield, New Mexico

Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area

The land is full of geologic eye candy, such as otherworldly spires, mushroom-shaped hoodoos, and prehistoric fossils.
North Yorkshire, England

Gordale Scar

A long, winding trek rewards you with a gorge so captivating it inspired a painting in the Tate.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Germantown White House

The oldest surviving presidential residence in the United States.
Tularosa, New Mexico

Three Rivers Petroglyph Site

More than 21,000 images fill this overlooked gem of a prehistoric site.
White Oaks, New Mexico

No Scum Allowed Saloon

In a largely deserted ghost town, a little brick building recalls its history as a gold rush hub and haven for outlaws.
Roscoe, New York

Craig-E-Clair Castle

An abandoned castle owned and ignored by Masons carries a cursed history.
Ogdensburg, New Jersey

Fluorescent Rocks of Sterling Hill Mine

Hundreds of glow-in-the-dark objects light up a museum in a historic zinc mine.
Birdsboro, Pennsylvania

Daniel Boone Homestead

Where the famed frontiersman was born, raised, and survived Quaker intrigue
Coleford, England


The mysterious, fantastical woodland inspiration for "The Lord of the Rings."
Fairfax Station, Virginia

Fairfax Station Railroad Museum

One of the oldest train stations still standing in Virginia played a vital role during the Civil War.
Emmaus, Pennsylvania

Shelter House

A "house to which to flee" for settlers in colonial Pennsylvania.
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel

This historic train station has been converted to a locomotive themed hotel.
Summerville, Georgia

Howard Finster's Paradise Gardens

This "Plant Farm Museum" is home to the divinely inspired and visionary outsider artwork of Reverend Howard Finster.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Origami in the Garden

Giant origami sculptures tucked into desert scenery beckon passers-by to explore further.