pearlsandpentagrams's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dippy the Dinosaur

A model of a dinosaur that was named for Andrew Carnegie stands outside the museum that also bears his name.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Photo Antiquities Museum

Its vintage camera collection gives a snapshot of the past as viewed through a photographic lens.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Duquesne Incline

There aren't too many operational funiculars around, but Pittsburgh has two!
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Cathedral of Learning

The largest university building in the West is a gothic masterpiece containing dozens of theme rooms based on different countries.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

West End Overlook

The only way to see Pittsburgh is from the top of this lookout point, just like the ancient members of the native peoples did.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Monongahela Incline

The United States’s oldest funicular railway glides up and down a steep Pittsburgh street.
Oakland, California

The Crucible

An art collective teaching the more fiery, metal-y art forms.
Oakland, California

Cleveland Cascade

A restored 1920s cascade stairway provides one of the best views of Oakland's Lake Merritt.
Oakland, California

Children's Fairyland

This Oakland fairytale kingdom, fiercely devoted to childlike whimsy, was an early inspiration for Disneyland.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Nursery

San Francisco’s condensed garden of incredible plant growth.
San Francisco, California

The Walt Disney Family Museum

Inside this museum, the history of the Walt Disney Family empire is on full display.
San Francisco, California

Shakespeare Garden

A garden oasis filled with flowers mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare.
San Francisco, California

Dutch Windmill

The key to turning shifting dunes into the green oasis of Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

Treasure Island

A man-made island in scenic San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco, California

Presidio Pet Cemetery

A monument to the love people have for their pets.
San Francisco, California

Dangling Legs at the Piedmont Boutique

The giant pair of sexy legs sticking out the window of this costume store have become its main draw.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Vintage Carousel

This turn of the century masterpiece has a mysterious goaty interloper.
San Francisco, California

Beat Museum

A collection of memorabilia from the Beat era in the back of a San Francisco bookstore.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco Botanical Garden

Golden Gate Park's historic collection of plants.
San Francisco, California

Short Story Vending Machine

With the touch of a button, you can read a randomly selected short story.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Bison

San Francisco's urban bison herd has persisted in the face of extinction, development, and disease.
San Francisco, California

Palace of Fine Arts

The last remaining relic of San Francisco's glittering 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.
San Francisco, California

Musée Mécanique

A collection of 20th-century automata, penny arcade games, and musical contraptions.
San Francisco, California


San Francisco's newly reopened hands-on science museum.